Dr. Asan G. A. Muthalif,  PhD, P.Eng, P.Tech
Dr. Asan G. A. Muthalif, PhD, P.Eng, P.Tech
Dept of Mechanical & Industrial Engineering, Qatar University
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Cited by
Cited by
Optimal piezoelectric beam shape for single and broadband vibration energy harvesting: Modeling, simulation and experimental results
AGA Muthalif, NHD Nordin
Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing 54, 417-426, 2015
A LabVIEW based data acquisition system for vibration monitoring and analysis
A Gani, MJE Salami
Student conference on research and development, 62-65, 2002
Fuzzy-PID controller for semi-active vibration control using magnetorheological fluid damper
B Kasemi, AGA Muthalif, MM Rashid, S Fathima
Procedia Engineering 41, 1221-1227, 2012
Harvesting vibration energy using piezoelectric material: modelling, simulation and experimental verifications
MN Fakhzan, A Muthalif, A Gani
Mechatronics-The Science of Intelligent Machines, 2013
Fuzzy-based temperature and humidity control for HV AC of electric vehicle
BSKK Ibrahim, MAN Aziah, S Ahmad, R Akmeliawati, HMI Nizam, ...
Procedia Engineering 41, 904-910, 2012
A hybrid piezoelectric-electromagnetic energy harvester from vortex-induced vibrations in fluid-flow; the influence of boundary condition in tuning the harvester
AGA Muthalif, M Hafizh, J Renno, MR Paurobally
Energy Conversion and Management 256, 115371, 2022
Experimental study on improving μ-WEDM and μ-EDM of doped silicon by temporary metallic coating
T Saleh, AN Rasheed, AGA Muthalif
The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 78, 1651-1663, 2015
Active control of high-frequency vibration: Optimisation using the hybrid modelling method
AGA Muthalif, RS Langley
Journal of Sound and Vibration, 2012
In-socket sensory system for transfemoral amputees using piezoelectric sensors: An efficacy study
F Jasni, NA Hamzaid, AG Abd Muthalif, Z Zakaria, HN Shasmin, SC Ng
IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics 21 (5), 2466-2476, 2016
H robust controller for autonomous helicopter hovering control
IB Tijani, R Akmeliawati, A Legowo, A Budiyono, AG Abdul Muthalif
Aircraft Engineering and Aerospace Technology 83 (6), 363-374, 2011
Vortex induced vibration energy harvesting using magnetically coupled broadband circular-array piezoelectric patch: Modelling, parametric study, and experiments
M Hafizh, AGA Muthalif, J Renno, MR Paurobally, I Bahadur, H Ouakad, ...
Energy Conversion and Management 276, 116559, 2023
Vibration Energy harvesting using single and comb-shaped piezoelectric beam structures: Modeling and Simulation
NH Diyana, AGA Muthalif, MN Fakhzan, AN Nordin
Procedia engineering 41, 1228-1234, 2012
Novel structural design of wearable thermoelectric generator with vertically oriented thermoelements
MN Hasan, N Nayan, M Nafea, AGA Muthalif, MSM Ali
Energy 259, 125032, 2022
Semi-active vibration control using experimental model of magnetorheological damper with adaptive F-PID controller
AGA Muthalif, HB Kasemi, NHD Nordin, MM Rashid, MKM Razali
Smart Structures and Systems 20 (1), 85-97, 2017
Control of transtibial prosthetic limb with magnetorheological fluid damper by using a fuzzy PID controller
NHD Nordin, AGA Muthalif, MK M Razali
Journal of Low Frequency Noise, Vibration and Active Control 37 (4), 1067-1078, 2018
Vibration based energy harvesting using piezoelectric material
MN Fakhzan, AGA Muthalif
Mechatronics (ICOM), 2011 4th International Conference On, 1-7, 2011
Development and implementation of energy-efficient Magnetorheological Fluid bypass damper for prosthetics limbs using a fuzzy-logic controller
NHD Nordin, AGA Muthalif, MKM Razali, A Ali, AM Salem
IEEE Access 10, 18978-18987, 2022
High-precision nonenzymatic electrochemical glucose sensing based on CNTs/CuO nanocomposite
M Geetha, MR Maurya, S Al-maadeed, AA Muthalif, KK Sadasivuni
Journal of Electronic Materials 51 (9), 4905-4917, 2022
Active vibration control of a beam with piezoelectric patches: real-time implementation with xPC target
A Gani, MJE Salami, R Khan
Proceedings of 2003 IEEE Conference on Control Applications, 2003. CCA 2003 …, 2003
A vortex-induced vibration-based self-tunable airfoil-shaped piezoelectric energy harvester for remote sensing applications in water
M Hafizh, AGA Muthalif, J Renno, MR Paurobally, MSM Ali
Ocean Engineering 269, 113467, 2023
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Articles 1–20