Frank Aurzada
Frank Aurzada
Professor of mathematics, Technische Universität Darmstadt
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Cited by
Just-in-time scheduling for multichannel EPONs
MP McGarry, M Reisslein, CJ Colbourn, M Maier, F Aurzada, ...
Journal of Lightwave Technology 26 (10), 1204-1216, 2008
FiWi access networks based on next-generation PON and gigabit-class WLAN technologies: A capacity and delay analysis
F Aurzada, M Lévesque, M Maier, M Reisslein
IEEE/Acm Transactions on Networking 22 (4), 1176-1189, 2013
Capacity and delay analysis of next-generation passive optical networks (NG-PONs)
F Aurzada, M Scheutzow, M Reisslein, N Ghazisaidi, M Maier
IEEE Transactions on Communications 59 (5), 1378-1388, 2011
Persistence probabilities and exponents
LN Andersen, S Asmussen, F Aurzada, PW Glynn, M Maejima, ...
Lévy Matters V: Functionals of Lévy Processes, 183-224, 2015
The Roskilde model: Problem-oriented learning and project work
TH Kjeldsen
Springer, 2015
Delay analysis of Ethernet passive optical networks with gated service
F Aurzada, M Scheutzow, M Herzog, M Maier, M Reisslein
Journal of optical networking 7 (1), 25-41, 2008
Shortest propagation delay (SPD) first scheduling for EPONs with heterogeneous propagation delays
MP McGarry, M Reisslein, F Aurzada, M Scheutzow
IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 28 (6), 849-862, 2010
Impact of retransmission limit on preamble contention in LTE-advanced network
RR Tyagi, F Aurzada, KD Lee, SG Kim, M Reisslein
IEEE Systems Journal 9 (3), 752-765, 2013
Connection establishment in LTE-A networks: Justification of Poisson process modeling
RR Tyagi, F Aurzada, KD Lee, M Reisslein
IEEE Systems Journal 11 (4), 2383-2394, 2015
Universality of the asymptotics of the one-sided exit problem for integrated processes
F Aurzada, S Dereich
Annales de l'IHP Probabilités et statistiques 49 (1), 236-251, 2013
On the one-sided exit problem for fractional Brownian motion
F Aurzada
On the Lower Tail Probabilities of Some Random Sequences in l p
F Aurzada
Journal of Theoretical Probability 20, 843-858, 2007
Lévy processes with two-sided reflection
LN Andersen, S Asmussen, F Aurzada, PW Glynn, M Maejima, ...
Lévy Matters V: Functionals of Lévy Processes, 67-182, 2015
Coexistence analysis of H2H and M2M traffic in FiWi smart grid communications infrastructures based on multi-tier business models
M Levesque, F Aurzada, M Maier, G Joós
IEEE Transactions on Communications 62 (11), 3931-3942, 2014
Small deviations of general Lévy processes
F Aurzada, S Dereich
Small deviations of smooth stationary Gaussian processes
F Aurzada, IA Ibragimov, MA Lifshits, JH Van Zanten
Theory of Probability & Its Applications 53 (4), 697-707, 2009
Persistence probabilities for stationary increment processes
F Aurzada, N Guillotin-Plantard, F Pène
Stochastic Processes and their Applications 128 (5), 1750-1771, 2018
Survival probabilities of weighted random walks
F Aurzada, C Baumgarten
arXiv preprint arXiv:1101.4857, 2011
Small time Chung-type LIL for Lévy processes
F Aurzada, L Döring, M Savov
On the small deviation problem for some iterated processes
F Aurzada, M Lifshits
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Articles 1–20