Khin Mi Mi Aung
Khin Mi Mi Aung
Research Scientist, A*STAR, I2R, Singapore
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Cited by
Towards the alexnet moment for homomorphic encryption: Hcnn, the first homomorphic cnn on encrypted data with gpus
A Al Badawi, C Jin, J Lin, CF Mun, SJ Jie, BHM Tan, X Nan, KMM Aung, ...
IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computing 9 (3), 1330-1343, 2020
A blockchain-based storage system for data analytics in the internet of things
Q Xu, KMM Aung, Y Zhu, KL Yong
New Advances in the Internet of Things, 119-138, 2018
Implementation and performance evaluation of RNS variants of the BFV homomorphic encryption scheme
A Al Badawi, Y Polyakov, KMM Aung, B Veeravalli, K Rohloff
IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computing 9 (2), 941-956, 2019
Privft: Private and fast text classification with homomorphic encryption
A Al Badawi, L Hoang, CF Mun, K Laine, KMM Aung
IEEE Access 8, 226544-226556, 2020
High-performance FV somewhat homomorphic encryption on GPUs: An implementation using CUDA
A Al Badawi, B Veeravalli, CF Mun, KMM Aung
IACR Transactions on Cryptographic Hardware and Embedded Systems, 70-95, 2018
Achieving GWAS with homomorphic encryption
JJ Sim, FM Chan, S Chen, BH Meng Tan, KM Mi Aung
BMC medical genomics 13, 1-12, 2020
Doren: toward efficient deep convolutional neural networks with fully homomorphic encryption
S Meftah, BHM Tan, CF Mun, KMM Aung, B Veeravalli, V Chandrasekhar
IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security 16, 3740-3752, 2021
A loss-free multipathing solution for data center network using software-defined networking approach
S Fang, Y Yu, CH Foh, KMM Aung
2012 Digest APMRC, 1-8, 2012
Blockchain-based decentralized content trust for docker images
Q Xu, C Jin, MFBM Rasid, B Veeravalli, KMM Aung
Multimedia Tools and Applications 77, 18223-18248, 2018
Exploiting loop-array dependencies to accelerate the design space exploration with high level synthesis
NK Pham, AK Singh, A Kumar, MMA Khin
2015 Design, Automation & Test in Europe Conference & Exhibition (DATE), 157-162, 2015
Power-efficient virtual machine placement and migration in data centers
S Fang, R Kanagavelu, BS Lee, CH Foh, KMM Aung
2013 IEEE International Conference on Green Computing and Communications and …, 2013
SDN controlled local re-routing to reduce congestion in cloud data center
R Kanagevlu, KMM Aung
2015 International Conference on Cloud Computing Research and Innovation …, 2015
An efficient flow cache algorithm with improved fairness in software-defined data center networks
BS Lee, R Kanagavelu, KMM Aung
2013 IEEE 2nd International Conference on Cloud Networking (CloudNet), 18-24, 2013
Efficient private comparison queries over encrypted databases using fully homomorphic encryption with finite fields
BHM Tan, HT Lee, H Wang, S Ren, KMM Aung
IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing 18 (6), 2861-2874, 2020
Secure searching on cloud storage enhanced by homomorphic indexing
SQ Ren, BHM Tan, S Sundaram, T Wang, Y Ng, V Chang, KMM Aung
Future Generation Computer Systems 65, 102-110, 2016
Virtual machine placement with two-path traffic routing for reduced congestion in data center networks
R Kanagavelu, BS Lee, NTD Le, LN Mingjie, KMM Aung
Computer Communications 53, 1-12, 2014
Dynamic scheduling strategy with efficient node availability prediction for handling divisible loads in multi-cloud systems
S Kang, B Veeravalli, KMM Aung
Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing 113, 1-16, 2018
Privacy-preserving collective learning with homomorphic encryption
J Paul, MSMS Annamalai, W Ming, A Al Badawi, B Veeravalli, KMM Aung
IEEE Access 9, 132084-132096, 2021
Building a large-scale object-based active storage platform for data analytics in the internet of things
Q Xu, KMM Aung, Y Zhu, KL Yong
The Journal of Supercomputing 72, 2796-2814, 2016
Fully homomorphic encryption in real world applications
A Chatterjee, KMM Aung
Springer, 2019
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Articles 1–20