Stein Gjessing
Stein Gjessing
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Cited by
Dependable demand response management in the smart grid: A Stackelberg game approach
S Maharjan, Q Zhu, Y Zhang, S Gjessing, T Basar
IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid 4 (1), 120-132, 2013
Toward cloud-based vehicular networks with efficient resource management
R Yu, Y Zhang, S Gjessing, W Xia, K Yang
Ieee Network 27 (5), 48-55, 2013
Cognitive machine-to-machine communications: Visions and potentials for the smart grid
Y Zhang, R Yu, M Nekovee, Y Liu, S Xie, S Gjessing
IEEE network 26 (3), 6-13, 2012
Cognitive radio based hierarchical communications infrastructure for smart grid
R Yu, Y Zhang, S Gjessing, C Yuen, S Xie, M Guizani
IEEE network 25 (5), 6-14, 2011
Fast IP network recovery using multiple routing configurations
A Kvalbein, AF Hansen, T Cicic, S Gjessing, O Lysne
Proceedings IEEE INFOCOM 2006. 25TH IEEE International Conference on …, 2006
Reducing internet latency: A survey of techniques and their merits
B Briscoe, A Brunstrom, A Petlund, D Hayes, D Ros, J Tsang, S Gjessing, ...
IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials 18 (3), 2149-2196, 2014
Selective offloading in mobile edge computing for the green internet of things
X Lyu, H Tian, L Jiang, A Vinel, S Maharjan, S Gjessing, Y Zhang
IEEE network 32 (1), 54-60, 2018
IEEE 802.17 resilient packet ring tutorial
F Davik, M Yilmaz, S Gjessing, N Uzun
IEEE Communications Magazine 42 (3), 112-118, 2004
Demand response management in the smart grid in a large population regime
S Maharjan, Q Zhu, Y Zhang, S Gjessing, T Başar
IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid 7 (1), 189-199, 2015
Distributed-directory scheme: Scalable coherent interface
DV James, AT Laundrie, S Gjessing, GS Sohi
Computer 23 (6), 74-77, 1990
Balancing power demand through EV mobility in vehicle-to-grid mobile energy networks
R Yu, W Zhong, S Xie, C Yuen, S Gjessing, Y Zhang
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics 12 (1), 79-90, 2015
Multiple routing configurations for fast IP network recovery
A Kvalbein, AF Hansen, T Cicic, S Gjessing, O Lysne
IEEE/ACM Transactions on networking 17 (2), 473-486, 2008
MixGroup: Accumulative pseudonym exchanging for location privacy enhancement in vehicular social networks
R Yu, J Kang, X Huang, S Xie, Y Zhang, S Gjessing
IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing 13 (1), 93-105, 2015
Sensing-performance tradeoff in cognitive radio enabled smart grid
R Deng, J Chen, X Cao, Y Zhang, S Maharjan, S Gjessing
IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid 4 (1), 302-310, 2013
Optimal resource sharing in 5G-enabled vehicular networks: A matrix game approach
R Yu, J Ding, X Huang, MT Zhou, S Gjessing, Y Zhang
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology 65 (10), 7844-7856, 2016
Cooperative resource management in cloud-enabled vehicular networks
R Yu, X Huang, J Kang, J Ding, S Maharjan, S Gjessing, Y Zhang
IEEE Transactions on industrial electronics 62 (12), 7938-7951, 2015
Memory-a RAM link for high speed
S Gjessing, DB Gustavson, DV James, G Stone, H Wiggers
IEEE Spectrum 29 (10), 52-53, 1992
Social-aware energy harvesting device-to-device communications in 5G networks
L Jiang, H Tian, Z Xing, K Wang, K Zhang, S Maharjan, S Gjessing, ...
IEEE Wireless Communications 23 (4), 20-27, 2016
RamLink: A High-Bandwidth Point-to-Point Memory Architecture
S Gjessing, G Stone, H Wiggers
COMPCON Spring 1992, 328,329,330,331-328,329,330,331, 1992
Securing vehicle-to-grid communications in the smart grid
Y Zhang, S Gjessing, H Liu, H Ning, LT Yang, M Guizani
IEEE Wireless Communications 20 (6), 66-73, 2013
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