Hossein Khodadadi
Hossein Khodadadi
Associate Professor of Medical Mycology, Shiraz University of Medical Sciences
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Colony PCR is a rapid and sensitive method for DNA amplification in yeasts
H Mirhendi, K Diba, A Rezaei, N Jalalizand, L Hosseinpur, H Khodadadi
Iranian Journal of Public Health 36 (1), 40-44, 2007
Comparison of nested polymerase chain reaction and real-time polymerase chain reaction with parasitological methods for detection of Strongyloides stercoralis in human fecal …
M Sharifdini, H Mirhendi, K Ashrafi, M Hosseini, M Mohebali, ...
The American journal of tropical medicine and hygiene 93 (6), 1285, 2015
Applying a dual extended Kalman filter for the nonlinear state and parameter estimations of a continuous stirred tank reactor
H Khodadadi, H Jazayeri-Rad
Computers & chemical engineering 35 (11), 2426-2436, 2011
Mycotoxins detection and fungal contamination in black and green tea by HPLC‐based method
K Pakshir, Z Mirshekari, H Nouraei, Z Zareshahrabadi, K Zomorodian, ...
Journal of Toxicology 2020 (1), 2456210, 2020
Global prevalence and subgroup analyses of coronavirus disease (COVID‐19) associated Candida auris infections (CACa): A systematic review and meta‐analysis
N Vaseghi, J Sharifisooraki, H Khodadadi, S Nami, F Safari, ...
Mycoses 65 (7), 683-703, 2022
Use of Mycological, nested PCR, and Real-time PCR Methods on BAL Fluids for Detection of Aspergillus fumigatus and A. flavus in Solid Organ Transplant …
H Zarrinfar, H Mirhendi, K Makimura, K Satoh, H Khodadadi, O Paknejad
Mycopathologia 176, 377-385, 2013
Growing incidence of non-dermatophyte onychomycosis in Tehran, Iran
M Motamedi, Z Ghasemi, MR Shidfar, L Hosseinpour, H Khodadadi, ...
Jundishapur journal of microbiology 9 (8), 2016
Prevalence of superficial‐cutaneous fungal infections in Shiraz, Iran: A five‐year retrospective study (2015–2019)
H Khodadadi, K Zomorodian, H Nouraei, Z Zareshahrabadi, S Barzegar, ...
Journal of Clinical Laboratory Analysis 35 (7), e23850, 2021
Pneumocystis jirovecii colonization in non-HIV-infected patients based on nested-PCR detection in bronchoalveolar lavage samples
H Khodadadi, H Mirhendi, M Mohebali, P Kordbacheh, H Zarrinfar, ...
Iranian journal of public health 42 (3), 298, 2013
Detection of aflatoxin and ochratoxin A in spices by high‐performance liquid chromatography
Z Zareshahrabadi, R Bahmyari, H Nouraei, H Khodadadi, P Mehryar, ...
Journal of Food Quality 2020 (1), 8858889, 2020
Detection of Aspergillus flavus and A. fumigatus in bronchoalveolar lavage specimens of hematopoietic stem cell transplants and hematological malignancies patients by real-time …
H Zarrinfar, H Mirhendi, A Fata, H Khodadadi, P Kordbacheh
Jundishapur Journal of Microbiology 8 (1), e13744, 2014
Molecular epidemiological survey of cutaneous leishmaniasis in two highly endemic metropolises of Iran, application of FTA cards for DNA extraction from Giemsa-stained slides
S Izadi, H Mirhendi, N Jalalizand, H Khodadadi, M Mohebali, S Nekoeian, ...
Jundishapur Journal of Microbiology 9 (2), 2016
Incidence of pulmonary aspergillosis and correlation of conventional diagnostic methods with nested PCR and real‐time PCR assay using BAL fluid in intensive care unit patients
H Zarrinfar, K Makimura, K Satoh, H Khodadadi, H Mirhendi
Journal of clinical laboratory analysis 27 (3), 181-185, 2013
Optical coherence elastography-based corneal strain imaging during low-amplitude intraocular pressure modulation
S Kling, H Khodadadi, O Goksel
Frontiers in bioengineering and biotechnology 7, 453, 2020
Occupational burnout assessment among nurses working in Iranian hospital of Ali-ebn Abitaleb, Rafsanjan-Iran
A Ravari, A Sayadi, H Khodadadi, H Jafarinaveh
Journal of Occupational Health and Epidemiology 1 (2), 103-110, 2012
Utilization of size polymorphism in ITS1 and ITS2 regions for identification of pathogenic yeast species
H Khodadadi, L Karimi, N Jalalizand, H Adin, H Mirhendi
Journal of Medical Microbiology 66 (2), 126-133, 2017
Comparative Analysis of Virulence Factors of Homozygous and Heterozygous Strains of Candida albicans Vaginal Isolates
H Nouraei, S Sheykhi, Z ZareShahrabadi, H Khodadadi, K Zomorodian, ...
International Journal of Microbiology 2020 (1), 8889224, 2020
Clinical evaluation of β‐tubulin real‐time PCR for rapid diagnosis of dermatophytosis, a comparison with mycological methods
M Motamedi, H Mirhendi, K Zomorodian, H Khodadadi, M Kharazi, ...
Mycoses 60 (10), 692-696, 2017
Molecular identification of uncommon clinical yeast species in Iran
L Karimi, H Mirhendi, H Khodadadi, R Mohammadi
Current medical mycology 1 (2), 1, 2015
Iranian national survey on tinea capitis: antifungal susceptibility profile, epidemiological characteristics, and report of two strains with a novel mutation in SQLE gene with …
M Abastabar, M Babaei, R Mohammadi, R Valadan, J Javidnia, A Zaedi, ...
Mycopathologia 188 (5), 449-460, 2023
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Articles 1–20