Dr.Palani I A
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Cited by
Investigations on the influence of composition in the development of Ni–Ti shape memory alloy using laser based additive manufacturing
S Shiva, IA Palani, SK Mishra, CP Paul, LM Kukreja
Optics & Laser Technology 69, 44-51, 2015
Multi-response optimization of WEDM process parameters for machining of superelastic nitinol shape-memory alloy using a heat-transfer search algorithm
R Chaudhari, JJ Vora, SS Mani Prabu, IA Palani, VK Patel, DM Parikh, ...
Materials 12 (8), 1277, 2019
Structure, martensitic transformations and mechanical behaviour of NiTi shape memory alloy produced by wire arc additive manufacturing
N Resnina, IA Palani, S Belyaev, SSM Prabu, P Liulchak, U Karaseva, ...
Journal of Alloys and Compounds 851, 156851, 2021
Enhancement of triboelectric nanogenerator output performance by laser 3D-Surface pattern method for energy harvesting application
M Muthu, R Pandey, X Wang, A Chandrasekhar, IA Palani, V Singh
Nano Energy 78, 105205, 2020
Performance of laser surface textured high speed steel cutting tool in machining of Al7075-T6 aerospace alloy
R Sasi, SK Subbu, IA Palani
Surface and Coatings Technology 313, 337-346, 2017
Pareto optimization of WEDM process parameters for machining a NiTi shape memory alloy using a combined approach of RSM and heat transfer search algorithm
R Chaudhari, JJ Vora, SSM Prabu, IA Palani, VK Patel, DM Parikh
Advances in manufacturing 9, 64-80, 2021
Influence of dimple and spot-texturing of HSS cutting tool on machining of Ti-6Al-4V
MS Sawant, NK Jain, IA Palani
Journal of Materials Processing Technology 261, 1-11, 2018
Investigations on performance viability of NiTi, NiTiCu, CuAlNi and CuAlNiMn shape memory alloy/Kapton composite thin film for actuator application
S Jayachandran, K Akash, SSM Prabu, M Manikandan, M Muralidharan, ...
Composites Part B: Engineering 176, 107182, 2019
Post-processing of laser additive manufactured Inconel 718 using laser shock peening
AN Jinoop, SK Subbu, CP Paul, IA Palani
International Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing 20, 1621-1628, 2019
Microstructure, mechanical properties and shape memory behaviour of friction stir welded nitinol
SSM Prabu, HC Madhu, CS Perugu, K Akash, PA Kumar, SV Kailas, ...
Materials Science and Engineering: A 693, 233-236, 2017
Lasing characteristics of an optically pumped single ZnO nanosheet
K Okazaki, D Nakamura, M Higashihata, P Iyamperumal, T Okada
Optics Express 19 (21), 20389-20394, 2011
Role of surface plasmon decay mediated hot carriers toward the photoluminescence tuning of metal-coated ZnO nanorods
T Dixit, IA Palani, V Singh
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 121 (6), 3540-3548, 2017
Shape memory effect, temperature distribution and mechanical properties of friction stir welded nitinol
SSM Prabu, HC Madhu, CS Perugu, K Akash, R Mithun, PA Kumar, ...
Journal of Alloys and Compounds 776, 334-345, 2019
Investigation on Laser-annealing and Subsequent Laser-nanotexturing of Amorphous Silicon (a-Si) Films for Photovoltaic Application.
IA Palani, NJ Vasa, M Singaperumal, T Okada
Journal of laser micro/nanoengineering 5 (2), 2010
Novel interfacial bulk heterojunction technique for enhanced response in ZnO nanogenerator
R Pandey, NP Maria Joseph Raj, V Singh, P Iyamperumal Anand, SJ Kim
ACS applied materials & interfaces 11 (6), 6078-6088, 2019
A La-doped ZnO ultra-flexible flutter-piezoelectric nanogenerator for energy harvesting and sensing applications: A novel renewable source of energy
R Pandey, G Khandelwal, IA Palani, V Singh, SJ Kim
Nanoscale 11 (29), 14032-14041, 2019
Influence of aspect ratio and surface defect density on hydrothermally grown ZnO nanorods towards amperometric glucose biosensing applications
M Shukla, T Dixit, R Prakash, IA Palani, V Singh
Applied Surface Science 422, 798-808, 2017
Effect of interlayer delay on the microstructure and mechanical properties of wire arc additive manufactured wall structures
S Singh, AN Jinoop, GTA Tarun Kumar, IA Palani, CP Paul, KG Prashanth
Materials 14 (15), 4187, 2021
Development of Subcarangiform Bionic Robotic Fish Propelled by Shape Memory Alloy Actuators.
M Muralidharan, IA Palani
Defence Science Journal 71 (1), 2021
Study of laser texturing assisted abrasive flow finishing for enhancing surface quality and microgeometry of spur gears
AC Petare, A Mishra, IA Palani, NK Jain
The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 101, 785-799, 2019
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Articles 1–20