Bernard Kerr
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Cited by
Dogear: Social bookmarking in the enterprise
DR Millen, J Feinberg, B Kerr
Proceedings of the SIGCHI conference on Human Factors in computing systems …, 2006
Extended above the lock-screen experience
BH Aguera-Arcas, GE Engstrom, JS Strauch, B Kerr, S Fynn
US Patent 9,606,643, 2017
Method and apparatus for handling conversation threads and message groupings as a single entity
S Rohall, D Gruen, P Moody, B Kerr, J Patterson, S Kellerman
US Patent App. 10/334,087, 2003
Thread arcs: An email thread visualization
B Kerr
IEEE Symposium on Information Visualization 2003 (IEEE Cat. No. 03TH8714 …, 2003
Multi-column user interface for managing on-line threaded conversations
EA Brownholtz, W Geyer, BJ Kerr, DR Millen, M Muller, EM Wilcox, AJ Witt
US Patent 7,356,772, 2008
Method and apparatus for electronic mail interaction with grouped message types
DM Gruen, PB Moody, B Kerr, SL Rohall, S Kellerman, J Patterson
US Patent 7,359,936, 2008
Method and apparatus for interaction with electronic mail from multiple sources
P Moody, D Gruen, S Rohall, B Kerr, S Kellerman, J Patterson
US Patent App. 10/351,776, 2003
Social Bookmarking in the Enterprise: Can your organization benefit from social bookmarking tools?
D Millen, J Feinberg, B Kerr
Queue 3 (9), 28-35, 2005
Data illustrator: Augmenting vector design tools with lazy data binding for expressive visualization authoring
Z Liu, J Thompson, A Wilson, M Dontcheva, J Delorey, S Grigg, B Kerr, ...
Proceedings of the 2018 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems …, 2018
Calendar bar interface for electronic mail interaction
B Kerr, DM Gruen, PB Moody, SL Rohall, S Kellerman, J Patterson
US Patent 7,363,590, 2008
Selecting user interface elements via position signal
MK Venable, BJ Kerr, V Thukral, D Nister
US Patent 10,025,378, 2018
System and method for searching and retrieving related messages
PB Moody, DM Gruen, SL Rohall, BJ Kerr
US Patent 7,412,437, 2008
Target positioning with gaze tracking
MK Venable, BJ Kerr, W Wilairat
US Patent 9,244,539, 2016
Gaze detection calibration
W Wilairat, V Thukral, D Nister, MK Venable, BJ Kerr, C Aholt
US Patent 9,727,136, 2017
Remail: a reinvented email prototype
SL Rohall, D Gruen, P Moody, M Wattenberg, M Stern, B Kerr, B Stachel, ...
CHI'04 extended abstracts on Human factors in computing systems, 791-792, 2004
Method for replying to related messages
PB Moody, DM Gruen, SL Rohall, BJ Kerr
US Patent 7,409,641, 2008
Coreflow: Extracting and visualizing branching patterns from event sequences
Z Liu, B Kerr, M Dontcheva, J Grover, M Hoffman, A Wilson
Computer Graphics Forum 36 (3), 527-538, 2017
Radio frequency-controlled telecommunication device
OT Bayley, BJ Kerr, GM Smith, JE Dishman, MA McCabe, JM Ananny
US Patent 6,611,673, 2003
Radio frequency tags for media access and control
OT Bayley, BJ Kerr, GM Smith, JE Dishman, MA McCabe
US Patent 6,717,507, 2004
User interface programmatic scaling
BJ Kerr, E Elliott, MK Venable
US Patent 9,400,553, 2016
The system can't perform the operation now. Try again later.
Articles 1–20