David Hocker
David Hocker
Postdoctoral Researcher, Center for Neural Science, NYU
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Cited by
Exploring the tradeoff between fidelity and time optimal control of quantum unitary transformations
KW Moore Tibbetts, C Brif, MD Grace, A Donovan, DL Hocker, TS Ho, ...
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 86 (6), 062309, 2012
Characterization of control noise effects in optimal quantum unitary dynamics
D Hocker, C Brif, MD Grace, A Donovan, TS Ho, KM Tibbetts, R Wu, ...
Physical Review A 90 (6), 062309, 2014
Subpopulations of neurons in lOFC encode previous and current rewards at time of choice
DL Hocker, CD Brody, C Savin, CM Constantinople
Elife 10, e70129, 2021
Shannon entropy based time-dependent deterministic sampling for efficient “on-the-fly” quantum dynamics and electronic structure
D Hocker, X Li, SS Iyengar
Journal of chemical theory and computation 7 (2), 256-268, 2011
Optimal nonlinear coherent mode transitions in Bose-Einstein condensates utilizing spatiotemporal controls
D Hocker, J Yan, H Rabitz
Physical Review A 93 (5), 053612, 2016
Transformation of acoustic information to sensory decision variables in the parietal cortex
JD Yao, KO Zemlianova, DL Hocker, C Savin, CM Constantinople, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 120 (2), e2212120120, 2023
Myopic control of neural dynamics
D Hocker, IM Park
PLoS computational biology 15 (3), e1006854, 2019
Multistep inference for generalized linear spiking models curbs runaway excitation
D Hocker, IM Park
2017 8th International IEEE/EMBS Conference on Neural Engineering (NER), 613-616, 2017
Survey of control performance in quantum information processing
D Hocker, Y Zheng, R Kosut, T Brun, H Rabitz
Quantum Information Processing 15, 4361-4390, 2016
Shannon Information Entropy Based Time-Dependent Deterministic Sampling Techniques for Efficient “on-The-Fly” Quantum Dynamics and Electronic Structure
D Hocker, X Li, SS Iyengar
J. Chem. Theory Comput 7, 256, 2011
Exploring the control landscape for nonlinear quantum dynamics
J Yan, D Hocker, R Long, TS Ho, H Rabitz
Physical Review A 89 (6), 063408, 2014
Evaluation of Quantum Control Protocols for Physical Machine Descriptions
D Hocker, H Rabitz, YC Zheng, T Brun, A Shafaei, M Pedram
IARPA QCS Project report, 2012
PEET: a Matlab tool for estimating physical gate errors in quantum information processing systems
D Hocker, R Kosut, H Rabitz
Quantum Information Processing 15, 3489-3518, 2016
Protecting quantum gates from control noise.
C Brif, MD Grace, KC Young, DL Hocker, KW Moore, TS Ho, H Rabitz
Sandia National Lab.(SNL-CA), Livermore, CA (United States), 2011
Multistep inference for generalized linear spiking models curbs runaway excitation. In 2017 8th International IEEE
D Hocker, IM Park
EMBS Conference on Neural Engineering (NER), 613-616, 0
Curriculum learning inspired by behavioral shaping trains neural networks to adopt animal-like decision making strategies
D Hocker, CM Constantinople, C Savin
bioRxiv, 2024.01. 12.575461, 2024
Lessons from the quantum control landscape: Robust optimal control of quantum systems and optimal control of nonlinear Schrödinger equations
DL Hocker
Princeton University, 2016
Invariance in multi-objective quantum control
D Hocker, H Rabitz
arXiv preprint arXiv:1507.05918, 2015
Improving robustness of quantum gates to control noise.
C Brif, M Grace, K Young, DL Hocker, KW Moore, TS Ho, H Rabitz
Sandia National Laboratories (SNL), Albuquerque, NM, and Livermore, CA …, 2012
Robustness of quantum information processing to the control noise.
C Brif, MD Grace, KW Moore, DL Hocker, TS Ho, H Rabitz
Sandia National Lab.(SNL-CA), Livermore, CA (United States), 2011
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Articles 1–20