Pascale-L. Blyth
Pascale-L. Blyth
Researcher (Åbo Akademi University) and Doctoral Ombudsman (Chalmers University of Technology)
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Cited by
Energy and environmental attitudes in the green state of Denmark: Implications for energy democracy, low carbon transitions, and energy literacy
BK Sovacool, PL Blyth
Environmental Science & Policy 54, 304-315, 2015
Of “white crows” and “cash savers:” A qualitative study of travel behavior and perceptions of ridesharing in Denmark
JR Nielsen, H Hovmøller, PL Blyth, BK Sovacool
Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice 78, 113-123, 2015
Expanding the Design Horizon for Self-Driving Vehicles: Distributing Benefits and Burdens
PL Blyth, MN Mladenovic, BA Nardi, HR Ekbia, NM Su
IEEE Technology and Society Magazine 35 (3), 44-49, 2016
Driving the self-driving vehicle: Expanding the technological design Horizon
PL Blyth, MN Mladenovic, BA Nardi, NM Su, HR Ekbia
2015 IEEE International Symposium on Technology and Society (ISTAS), 1-6, 2015
Of cyberliberation and forbidden fornication: Hidden transcripts of autonomous mobility in Finland
PL Blyth
Transportation research part D: transport and environment 71, 236-247, 2019
Autonomous mobility justice in the situated Finnish context: A Foucauldian perspective on technology, power, and morality
PL Blyth
Energy research & social science 70, 101574, 2020
Intersecting Our Mobilities: Path Dependence from Manually-Operated Semaphore to Self-Driving Vehicles?
MN Mladenovic, M Abbas, PL Blyth, I Kosonen
2016 IEEE International Symposium on Technology and Society (ISTAS), 21-22 …, 2016
Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans: Towards a Common Transport Planning Framework
PL Blyth, MN Mladenovic
Journal of Road and Traffic Engineering (Serbian Road Association) 61 (4), 5-14, 2015
The hidden, gendered, price of engineering education: an anthropology of university sexual violence reporting mechanisms by student activists
AAA Pascale-L Blyth, Alla Toktarova
Nordic Law and Gender Conference 2023: Past-Present-Future, Gothenburg …, 2023
Autonomous Mobility Justice-Building Critical Awareness of a Sociotechnical Transition
PL Blyth
Aalto University, 2020
Round Table on Low Carbon Infrastructure, AESOP Congress, 10–14 July 2018, Gothenburg, Sweden
C Mukhopadhyay, CS Ho, G Bonvino, P Blyth
Town Planning Review 90 (2), 219-223, 2019
2016 Index IEEE Technology and Society Magazine Vol. 35
J Achora, G Adamson, N Akiya, M Arnold, A Baka, J Blakley, P Blyth, ...
IEEE Technology and Society Magazine, 2016
A Planning Framework for Self-Driving Mobility Transitions: A Case-Study of Finland.
MN Mladenovic, PL Blyth
The Energy Cultures Conference. Sustainable Energy Futures: Understanding …, 2016
Cultures of Energy. Power, Practices, Technologies, S. Strauss, S. Rupp, T. Love (Eds.). Left Coast Press, Walnut Creek, CA (2013, January): Book review
PL Blyth
Energy Research and Social Science 4 (December 2014), 139-140, 2014
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Articles 1–14