Outdoor navigation for visually impaired based on deep learning S Shadi, S Hadi, MA Nazari, W Hardt Proc. CEUR Workshop Proc 2514, 97-406, 2019 | 51 | 2019 |
Traffic signs recognition and distance estimation using a monocular camera S Saleh, SA Khwandah, A Heller, A Mumtaz, W Hardt 6th International Conference Actual Problems of System and Software …, 2019 | 33 | 2019 |
Energy efficient handling of big data in embedded, wireless sensor networks R Bergelt, M Vodel, W Hardt 2014 IEEE sensors applications symposium (SAS), 53-58, 2014 | 33 | 2014 |
Rapid prototyping of real-time control laws for complex mechatronic systems: a case study M Deppe, M Zanella, M Robrecht, W Hardt Journal of Systems and Software 70 (3), 263-274, 2004 | 32 | 2004 |
Improving the intrinsic calibration of a Velodyne LiDAR sensor R Bergelt, O Khan, W Hardt 2017 IEEE SENSORS, 1-3, 2017 | 31 | 2017 |
A methodology for rapid analysis and optimization of embedded systems HJ Eikerling, W Hardt, J Gerlach, W Rosenstiel Proceedings IEEE symposium and workshop on engineering of computer-based …, 1996 | 31 | 1996 |
A measure theoretical evaluation model for e-learning programs U Tudevdagva, W Hardt Proceedings of the IADIS on e-Society, 10-13, 2012 | 29 | 2012 |
Component-based design of cyber-physical applications with safety-critical requirements A Masrur, M Kit, V Matěna, T Bureš, W Hardt Microprocessors and Microsystems 42, 70-86, 2016 | 28 | 2016 |
Prototyping of tightly coupled hardware/software-systems W Hardt, W Rosenstiel Design Automation for Embedded Systems 2, 283-317, 1997 | 28 | 1997 |
Wake-up-receiver concepts-capabilities and limitations M Vodel, M Caspar, W Hardt Journal of Networks 7 (1), 126, 2012 | 26 | 2012 |
Local and global sensors for collision avoidance A Rashid, K Peesapati, M Bdiwi, S Krusche, W Hardt, M Putz 2020 IEEE international conference on multisensor fusion and integration for …, 2020 | 23 | 2020 |
Integration von Verzögerungszeit-invarianz in den Entwurf eingebetteter Systeme W Hardt Shaker, 2002 | 23 | 2002 |
Image processing based insulator fault detection method U Tudevdagva, B Battseren, W Hardt, GV Troshina 2018 XIV International Scientific-Technical Conference on Actual Problems of …, 2018 | 22 | 2018 |
Development of hybrid assembled composites with sensory function V Kräusel, A Graf, M Heinrich, R Decker, M Caspar, L Kroll, W Hardt, ... CIRP Annals 64 (1), 25-28, 2015 | 22 | 2015 |
IPCHL-a description language for semantic IP characterization M Schaaf, M Visarius, R Bergmann, R Maximini, M Spinelli, J Lessmann, ... Forum on Specification & Design Languages, 2002 | 21 | 2002 |
Trade-offs in hw/sw codesign W Hardt, R Camposano SFB 358, TU, 1993 | 21 | 1993 |
An XML format based integration infrastructure for IP based design M Visarius, J Lessmann, W Hardt, F Kelso, W Thronicke 16th Symposium on Integrated Circuits and Systems Design, 2003. SBCCI 2003 …, 2003 | 20 | 2003 |
Architechture level optimization for asynchronous IPs W Hardt, M Visarius, B Kleinjohann Proceedings of 13th Annual IEEE International ASIC/SOC Conference (Cat. No …, 2000 | 20 | 2000 |
HW-SW-Codesign auf Basis von C-Programmen unter Performanz-Gesichtspunkten W Hardt Shaker, 1996 | 20 | 1996 |
An automated approach to HW/SW-codesign W Hardt IET Digital Library, 1995 | 20 | 1995 |