Thomas Hupperich
Thomas Hupperich
European Research Center for Information Systems, University Münster, Germany
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Cited by
Exit from Hell? Reducing the Impact of {Amplification}{DDoS} Attacks
M Kührer, T Hupperich, C Rossow, T Holz
23rd USENIX security symposium (USENIX security 14), 111-125, 2014
Going wild: Large-scale classification of open DNS resolvers
M Kührer, T Hupperich, J Bushart, C Rossow, T Holz
Proceedings of the 2015 Internet Measurement Conference, 355-368, 2015
Hell of a handshake: abusing {TCP} for reflective amplification {DDoS} attacks
M Kührer, T Hupperich, C Rossow, T Holz
8th USENIX Workshop on Offensive Technologies (WOOT 14), 2014
On the robustness of mobile device fingerprinting: Can mobile users escape modern web-tracking mechanisms?
T Hupperich, D Maiorca, M Kührer, T Holz, G Giacinto
Proceedings of the 31st Annual Computer Security Applications Conference …, 2015
Use the force: Evaluating {Force-Sensitive} authentication for mobile devices
K Krombholz, T Hupperich, T Holz
Twelfth symposium on usable privacy and security (SOUPS 2016), 207-219, 2016
An empirical study on online price differentiation
T Hupperich, D Tatang, N Wilkop, T Holz
Proceedings of the eighth ACM conference on data and application security …, 2018
Flexible patient-controlled security for electronic health records
T Hupperich, H Löhr, AR Sadeghi, M Winandy
Proceedings of the 2nd ACM SIGHIT International Health Informatics Symposium …, 2012
Leveraging sensor fingerprinting for mobile device authentication
T Hupperich, H Hosseini, T Holz
Detection of Intrusions and Malware, and Vulnerability Assessment: 13th …, 2016
Secure and privacy-preserving structure in opportunistic networks
S Rashidibajgan, T Hupperich, R Doss, A Förster
Computers & Security 104, 102208, 2021
May the force be with you: The future of force-sensitive authentication
K Krombholz, T Hupperich, T Holz
IEEE Internet Computing 21 (3), 64-69, 2017
A tale of two regulatory regimes: Creation and analysis of a bilingual privacy policy corpus
S Arora, H Hosseini, C Utz, VK Bannihatti, T Dhellemmes, A Ravichander, ...
LREC proceedings, 2022
Headprint: detecting anomalous communications through header-based application fingerprinting
R Bortolameotti, T Van Ede, A Continella, T Hupperich, MH Everts, ...
Proceedings of the 35th Annual ACM Symposium on Applied Computing, 1696-1705, 2020
Sensor captchas: On the usability of instrumenting hardware sensors to prove liveliness
T Hupperich, K Krombholz, T Holz
Trust and Trustworthy Computing: 9th International Conference, TRUST 2016 …, 2016
Unifying privacy policy detection
H Hosseini, M Degeling, C Utz, T Hupperich
Proceedings on Privacy Enhancing Technologies, 2021
Utilizing blockchains in opportunistic networks for integrity and confidentiality
S Rashidibajgan, T Hupperich
Blockchain: Research and Applications 5 (1), 100167, 2024
Tactile one-time pad: Leakage-resilient authentication for smartphones
S Uellenbeck, T Hupperich, C Wolf, T Holz
Financial Cryptography and Data Security: 19th International Conference, FC …, 2015
A Bilingual Longitudinal Analysis of Privacy Policies Measuring the Impacts of the GDPR and the CCPA/CPRA
H Hosseini, C Utz, M Degeling, T Hupperich
CISPA, 2024
Improving the performance of opportunistic networks in real-world applications using machine learning techniques
S Rashidibajgan, T Hupperich
Journal of Sensor and Actuator Networks 11 (4), 61, 2022
On the usefulness of user nudging and strength indication concerning unlock pattern security
T Hupperich, K Dassel
2020 IEEE 19th International Conference on Trust, Security and Privacy in …, 2020
Tactile one-time pad: smartphone authentication resilient against shoulder surfing
S Uellenbeck, T Hupperich, C Wolf, T Holz
Tech. rep., Horst Görtz Institute for IT-Security (HGI), HGI-2014–003;, 2014
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Articles 1–20