Valéria Paula Sassoli Fazan
Valéria Paula Sassoli Fazan
School of Medicine of Ribeirão Preto
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Cited by
Standardized statement for the ethical use of human cadaveric tissues in anatomy research papers: Recommendations from Anatomical Journal Editors‐in‐Chief
J Iwanaga, V Singh, S Takeda, J Ogeng'o, HJ Kim, J Moryś, KS Ravi, ...
Clinical Anatomy 35 (4), 526-528, 2022
Can therapeutic ultrasound influence the regeneration of peripheral nerves?
VVM Raso, CH Barbieri, N Mazzer, VS Fasan
Journal of neuroscience methods 142 (2), 185-192, 2005
Brachial plexus variations in its formation and main branches
VPS Fazan, AS Amadeu, AL Caleffi, OA Rodrigues Filho
Acta Cirurgica Brasileira 18, 14-18, 2003
Arterial diameter of the celiac trunk and its branches: anatomical study
LA Silveira, FBC Silveira, VPS Fazan
Acta cirurgica brasileira 24, 43-47, 2009
Superficial palmar arch: an arterial diameter study
VPS Fazan, CT Borges, JH Da Silva, AG Caetano, OAR Filho
Journal of anatomy 204 (4), 307-311, 2004
Two-dimensional sample entropy: Assessing image texture through irregularity
LEV Silva, ACS Senra Filho, VPS Fazan, JC Felipe, LOM Junior
Biomedical Physics & Engineering Express 2 (4), 045002, 2016
Morphologic and morphometric evaluation of experimental acute crush injuries of the sciatic nerve of rats
PYCN Mazzer, CH Barbieri, N Mazzer, VPS Fazan
Journal of neuroscience methods 173 (2), 249-258, 2008
Expanding the phenotypes of the Pro56Ser VAPB mutation: Proximal SMA with dysautonomia
VD Marques, AA Barreira, MB Davis, PM Abou‐Sleiman, WA Silva Jr, ...
Muscle & Nerve: Official Journal of the American Association of …, 2006
Streptozotocin induced diabetes as a model of phrenic nerve neuropathy in rats
OA Rodrigues Filho, VPS Fazan
Journal of neuroscience methods 151 (2), 131-138, 2006
Microscopic anatomy of the sural nerve in the postnatal developing rat: a longitudinal and lateral symmetry study
A Jeronimo, CAD Jeronimo, OAR Filho, LS Sanada, VPS Fazan
Journal of anatomy 206 (1), 93-99, 2005
Cysticercosis of the central nervous system: I. Surgical treatment of cerebral cysticercosis. A 23 years experience in the hospital das clínicas of Ribeirão Preto Medical School
BO Colli, N Martelli, JA Assirati Jr, HR Machado, CP Salvarani, VP Sassoli, ...
Arquivos de Neuro-Psiquiatria 52, 166-186, 1994
A descriptive and quantitative light and electron microscopy study of the aortic depressor nerve in normotensive rats.
VPS Fazan, HC Salgado, BA Antunes
Hypertension 30 (3), 693-698, 1997
A morphometric study on the longitudinal and lateral symmetry of the sural nerve in mature and aging female rats
A Jeronimo, CAD Jeronimo, OA Rodrigues Filho, LS Sanada, VPS Fazan
Brain research 1222, 51-60, 2008
Aortic depressor nerve unmyelinated fibers in spontaneously hypertensive rats
VPS Fazan, HC Salgado, AA Barreira
American Journal of Physiology-Heart and Circulatory Physiology 280 (4 …, 2001
Morphology of aortic depressor nerve myelinated fibers in normotensive Wistar–Kyoto and spontaneously hypertensive rats
VPS Fazan, RF Júnior, HC Salgado, AA Barreira
Journal of the autonomic nervous system 77 (2-3), 133-139, 1999
Peripheral nerve morphometry: Comparison between manual and semi-automated methods in the analysis of a small nerve
APD da Silva, CER Jordão, VPS Fazan
Journal of neuroscience methods 159 (1), 153-157, 2007
Diabetic peripheral neuropathies: a morphometric overview
ND Periféricas, UVG Morfométrica
Int. j. morphol 28 (1), 51-64, 2010
Os efeitos do ultra-som terapêutico nas lesões por esmagamento do nervo ciático de ratos: análise funcional da marcha
VV Monte-Raso, CH Barbieri, N Mazzer, VPS Fazan
Brazilian Journal of Physical Therapy 10, 113-119, 2006
Morphology and morphometry of the vagus nerve in male and female spontaneously hypertensive rats
ACL de Alcântara, HC Salgado, VPS Fazan
Brain research 1197, 170-180, 2008
An anatomical study on the lingual–facial trunk
VPS Fazan, JHN da Silva, CT Borges, RA Ribeiro, AG Caetano, ...
Surgical and Radiologic Anatomy 31, 267-270, 2009
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Articles 1–20