Susan A. Yoon
Susan A. Yoon
Other namesSusan Yoon
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Cited by
Social network theory and educational change
AJ Daly
Harvard Education Press, 2010
The contribution of HBCUs to the preparation of African American women for STEM careers: A case study
L Perna, V Lundy-Wagner, ND Drezner, M Gasman, S Yoon, E Bose, ...
Research in Higher Education 50, 1-23, 2009
Using augmented reality and knowledge-building scaffolds to improve learning in a science museum
SA Yoon, K Elinich, J Wang, C Steinmeier, S Tucker
International Journal of Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning 7, 519-541, 2012
Developing games and simulations for today and tomorrow's tech savvy youth.
E Klopfer, S Yoon
TechTrends: Linking Research & Practice to Improve Learning 49 (3), 2005
How augmented reality enables conceptual understanding of challenging science content
S Yoon, E Anderson, J Lin, K Elinich
Journal of Educational Technology & Society 20 (1), 156-168, 2017
In search of practitioner‐based social capital: a social network analysis tool for understanding and facilitating teacher collaboration in a US‐based STEM professional …
KJ Baker‐Doyle, SA Yoon
Professional development in Education 37 (1), 75-93, 2011
Making the invisible visible in science museums through augmented reality devices
SA Yoon, J Wang
TechTrends 58, 49-55, 2014
New applications for multimedia cases: Promoting reflective practice in preservice teacher education
J Hewitt, E Pedretti, L Bencze, BD Vaillancourt, S Yoon
Journal of Technology and Teacher Education 11 (4), 483-500, 2003
Teaching and learning about complex systems in K–12 science education: A review of empirical studies 1995–2015
SA Yoon, SE Goh, M Park
Review of Educational Research 88 (2), 285-325, 2018
Making science matter: Collaborations between informal science education organizations and schools
B Bevan, J Dillon, GE Hein, M Macdonald, V Michalchik, D Miller, D Root, ...
Washington, DC: Center for Advancement of Informal Science Education, 2010
Using palm technology in participatory simulations of complex systems: A new take on ubiquitous and accessible mobile computing
E Klopfer, S Yoon, J Perry
Journal of Science Education and Technology 14, 285-297, 2005
An evolutionary approach to harnessing complex systems thinking in the science and technology classroom
SA Yoon
International Journal of Science Education 30 (1), 1-32, 2008
Exploring the use of cases and case methods in influencing elementary preservice science teachers' self-efficacy beliefs
S Yoon, E Pedretti, L Pedretti, J Hewitt, K Perris, R Van Oostveen
Journal of Science Teacher Education 17, 15-35, 2006
Making expertise transparent: Using technology to strengthen social networks in teacher professional development
KJ Baker-Doyle, SA Yoon
Social network theory and educational change, 115-126, 2010
Comparative analysis of Palm and wearable computers for Participatory Simulations
E Klopfer, S Yoon, L Rivas
Journal of Computer Assisted Learning 20 (5), 347-359, 2004
Scaffolding informal learning in science museums: How much is too much?
SA Yoon, K Elinich, J Wang, JB Van Schooneveld, E Anderson
Science Education 97 (6), 848-877, 2013
Using social network graphs as visualization tools to influence peer selection decision-making strategies to access information about complex socioscientific issues
SA Yoon
Journal of the Learning Sciences 20 (4), 549-588, 2011
Teaching complex dynamic systems to young students with StarLogo
E Klopfer, S Yoon, T Um
Journal of Computers in Mathematics and Science Teaching 24 (2), 157-178, 2005
Encouraging collaboration and building community in online asynchronous professional development: Designing for social capital
SA Yoon, K Miller, T Richman, D Wendel, I Schoenfeld, E Anderson, ...
International Journal of Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning 15, 351-371, 2020
Teaching about complex systems is no simple matter: Building effective professional development for computer-supported complex systems instruction
SA Yoon, E Anderson, J Koehler-Yom, C Evans, M Park, J Sheldon, ...
Instructional Science 45, 99-121, 2017
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Articles 1–20