Eric D Chow
Eric D Chow
Adjunct Assistant Professor
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Cited by
Predicting splicing from primary sequence with deep learning
K Jaganathan, SK Panagiotopoulou, JF McRae, SF Darbandi, D Knowles, ...
Cell 176 (3), 535-548. e24, 2019
Intratumoral CD4+ T cells mediate anti-tumor cytotoxicity in human bladder cancer
DY Oh, SS Kwek, SS Raju, T Li, E McCarthy, E Chow, D Aran, A Ilano, ...
Cell 181 (7), 1612-1625. e13, 2020
MULTI-seq: sample multiplexing for single-cell RNA sequencing using lipid-tagged indices
CS McGinnis, DM Patterson, J Winkler, DN Conrad, MY Hein, ...
Nature methods 16 (7), 619-626, 2019
Systematic genetic analysis of virulence in the human fungal pathogen Cryptococcus neoformans
OW Liu, CD Chun, ED Chow, C Chen, HD Madhani, SM Noble
Cell 135 (1), 174-188, 2008
Rapid pathogen detection by metagenomic next-generation sequencing of infected body fluids
W Gu, X Deng, M Lee, YD Sucu, S Arevalo, D Stryke, S Federman, ...
Nature medicine 27 (1), 115-124, 2021
Depletion of Abundant Sequences by Hybridization (DASH): using Cas9 to remove unwanted high-abundance species in sequencing libraries and molecular counting applications
W Gu, ED Crawford, BD O’Donovan, MR Wilson, ED Chow, H Retallack, ...
Genome biology 17, 1-13, 2016
Integrating host response and unbiased microbe detection for lower respiratory tract infection diagnosis in critically ill adults
C Langelier, KL Kalantar, F Moazed, MR Wilson, ED Crawford, T Deiss, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 115 (52), E12353-E12362, 2018
Mapping the genetic landscape of human cells
MA Horlbeck, A Xu, M Wang, NK Bennett, CY Park, D Bogdanoff, ...
Cell 174 (4), 953-967. e22, 2018
Chronic meningitis investigated via metagenomic next-generation sequencing
MR Wilson, BD O’Donovan, JM Gelfand, HA Sample, FC Chow, ...
JAMA neurology 75 (8), 947-955, 2018
The DNA methylation landscape of advanced prostate cancer
SG Zhao, WS Chen, H Li, A Foye, M Zhang, M Sjöström, R Aggarwal, ...
Nature genetics 52 (8), 778-789, 2020
FLASH: a next-generation CRISPR diagnostic for multiplexed detection of antimicrobial resistance sequences
J Quan, C Langelier, A Kuchta, J Batson, N Teyssier, A Lyden, S Caldera, ...
Nucleic acids research 47 (14), e83-e83, 2019
Lineage tracing reveals the phylodynamics, plasticity, and paths of tumor evolution
D Yang, MG Jones, S Naranjo, WM Rideout, KHJ Min, R Ho, W Wu, ...
Cell 185 (11), 1905-1923. e25, 2022
Illuminating uveitis: metagenomic deep sequencing identifies common and rare pathogens
T Doan, MR Wilson, ED Crawford, ED Chow, LM Khan, KA Knopp, ...
Genome medicine 8, 1-9, 2016
Mycobacterium tuberculosis CYP125A1, a steroid C27 monooxygenase that detoxifies intracellularly generated cholest‐4‐en‐3‐one
H Ouellet, S Guan, JB Johnston, ED Chow, PM Kells, AL Burlingame, ...
Molecular microbiology 77 (3), 730-742, 2010
Macrolide and nonmacrolide resistance with mass azithromycin distribution
T Doan, L Worden, A Hinterwirth, AM Arzika, R Maliki, A Abdou, L Zhong, ...
New England Journal of Medicine 383 (20), 1941-1950, 2020
Pulmonary metagenomic sequencing suggests missed infections in immunocompromised children
MS Zinter, CC Dvorak, MY Mayday, K Iwanaga, NP Ly, ME McGarry, ...
Clinical Infectious Diseases 68 (11), 1847-1855, 2019
UDP-galactose and acetyl-CoA transporters as Plasmodium multidrug resistance genes
MYX Lim, G LaMonte, M Lee, C Reimer, BH Tan, V Corey, BF Tjahjadi, ...
Nature microbiology 1 (12), 1-12, 2016
ZipSeq: barcoding for real-time mapping of single cell transcriptomes
KH Hu, JP Eichorst, CS McGinnis, DM Patterson, ED Chow, K Kersten, ...
Nature methods 17 (8), 833-843, 2020
Gut microbiome alteration in MORDOR I: a community-randomized trial of mass azithromycin distribution
T Doan, A Hinterwirth, L Worden, AM Arzika, R Maliki, A Abdou, S Kane, ...
Nature medicine 25 (9), 1370-1376, 2019
XYZeq: Spatially resolved single-cell RNA sequencing reveals expression heterogeneity in the tumor microenvironment
Y Lee, D Bogdanoff, Y Wang, GC Hartoularos, JM Woo, CT Mowery, ...
Science advances 7 (17), eabg4755, 2021
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Articles 1–20