Francesca Frassinetti
Francesca Frassinetti
Professore Ordinario di Psicologia Fisiologica, Dipartimento di Psicologia, Universitā di Bologna
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When far becomes near: Remapping of space by tool use
A Berti, F Frassinetti
Journal of cognitive neuroscience 12 (3), 415-420, 2000
Hemispatial neglect: Subtypes, neuroanatomy, and disability
LJ Buxbaum, MK Ferraro, T Veramonti, A Farne, J Whyte, E Ladavas, ...
Neurology 62 (5), 749-756, 2004
Long‐lasting amelioration of visuospatial neglect by prism adaptation
F Frassinetti, V Angeli, F Meneghello, S Avanzi, E Lādavas
Brain 125 (3), 608-623, 2002
Enhancement of visual perception by crossmodal visuo-auditory interaction
F Frassinetti, N Bolognini, E Lādavas
Experimental brain research 147, 332-343, 2002
Tool-use induces morphological updating of the body schema
L Cardinali, F Frassinetti, C Brozzoli, C Urquizar, AC Roy, A Farnč
Current biology 19 (12), R478-R479, 2009
“Acoustical vision” of below threshold stimuli: interaction among spatially converging audiovisual inputs
N Bolognini, F Frassinetti, A Serino, E Lādavas
Experimental brain research 160, 273-282, 2005
Peripersonal and interpersonal space in virtual and real environments: Effects of gender and age
T Iachini, Y Coello, F Frassinetti, VP Senese, F Galante, G Ruggiero
Journal of Environmental Psychology 45, 154-164, 2016
Patterns of spontaneous recovery of neglect and associated disorders in acute right brain-damaged patients
A Farne, LJ Buxbaum, M Ferraro, F Frassinetti, J Whyte, T Veramonti, ...
Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery & Psychiatry 75 (10), 1401-1410, 2004
Body space in social interactions: a comparison of reaching and comfort distance in immersive virtual reality
T Iachini, Y Coello, F Frassinetti, G Ruggiero
PloS one 9 (11), e111511, 2014
Mechanisms underlying neglect recovery after prism adaptation
A Serino, V Angeli, F Frassinetti, E Lādavas
Neuropsychologia 44 (7), 1068-1078, 2006
Audiovisual integration in patients with visual deficit
F Frassinetti, N Bolognini, D Bottari, A Bonora, E Lādavas
Journal of cognitive neuroscience 17 (9), 1442-1452, 2005
The effect of facial expressions on peripersonal and interpersonal spaces
G Ruggiero, F Frassinetti, Y Coello, M Rapuano, AS Di Cola, T Iachini
Psychological research 81, 1232-1240, 2017
Personal space regulation in childhood autism spectrum disorders
E Gessaroli, E Santelli, G di Pellegrino, F Frassinetti
PloS one 8 (9), e74959, 2013
Time perception in a neglected space
G Basso, P Nichelli, F Frassinetti, G di Pellegrino
Neuroreport 7 (13), 2111-2114, 1996
Acoustical vision of neglected stimuli: interaction among spatially converging audiovisual inputs in neglect patients
F Frassinetti, F Pavani, E Ladavas
Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience 14 (1), 62-69, 2002
Neglect and extinction: within and between sensory modalities
C Brozzoli, ML Demattč, F Pavani, F Frassinetti, A Farnč
Restorative neurology and neuroscience 24 (4-6), 217-232, 2006
A sensorimotor network for the bodily self
F Ferri, F Frassinetti, M Ardizzi, M Costantini, V Gallese
Journal of cognitive neuroscience 24 (7), 1584-1595, 2012
Is it mine? Hemispheric asymmetries in corporeal self-recognition
F Frassinetti, M Maini, S Romualdi, E Galante, S Avanzi
Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience 20 (8), 1507-1516, 2008
Grab an object with a tool and change your body: tool-use-dependent changes of body representation for action
L Cardinali, S Jacobs, C Brozzoli, F Frassinetti, AC Roy, A Farnč
Experimental Brain Research 218, 259-271, 2012
Spatial extinction on double asynchronous stimulation
G Di Pellegrino, G Basso, F Frassinetti
Neuropsychologia 35 (9), 1215-1223, 1997
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Articles 1–20