Benjamin Xie
Cited by
Cited by
A theory of instruction for introductory programming skills
B Xie, D Loksa, GL Nelson, MJ Davidson, D Dong, H Kwik, AH Tan, ...
Computer Science Education 29 (2-3), 205-253, 2019
Comprehension first: evaluating a novel pedagogy and tutoring system for program tracing in CS1
GL Nelson, B Xie, AJ Ko
Proceedings of the 2017 ACM conference on international computing education …, 2017
It is time for more critical CS education
AJ Ko, A Oleson, M Kirdani-Ryan, Y Register, B Xie, M Tari, M Davidson, ...
Communications of the ACM 63 (11), 31-33, 2020
An explicit strategy to scaffold novice program tracing
B Xie, GL Nelson, AJ Ko
Proceedings of the 49th ACM technical symposium on computer science …, 2018
Skill progression in MIT app inventor
B Xie, H Abelson
2016 IEEE Symposium on Visual Languages and Human-Centric Computing (VL/HCC …, 2016
Measuring the usability and capability of app inventor to create mobile applications
B Xie, I Shabir, H Abelson
Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on Programming for Mobile and …, 2015
An item response theory evaluation of a language-independent CS1 knowledge assessment
B Xie, MJ Davidson, M Li, AJ Ko
Proceedings of the 50th ACM Technical Symposium on Computer Science …, 2019
Investigating novices' in situ reflections on their programming process
D Loksa, B Xie, H Kwik, AJ Ko
Proceedings of the 51st ACM technical symposium on computer science …, 2020
Learning, Education, and HCI
B Xie, E Harpstead, B DiSalvo, P Slovak, A Kharrufa, MJ Lee, ...
Extended Abstracts of the 2019 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing …, 2019
A Decade of Demographics in Computing Education Research: A Critical Review of Trends in Collection, Reporting, and Use
A Oleson, B Xie, J Salac, J Everson, FM Kivuva, AJ Ko
Proceedings of the 2022 ACM Conference on International Computing Education …, 2022
The effect of informing agency in self-directed online learning environments
B Xie, GL Nelson, H Akkaraju, W Kwok, AJ Ko
Proceedings of the Seventh ACM Conference on Learning@ Scale, 77-89, 2020
Teaching Ethics in Computing: A Systematic Literature Review of ACM Computer Science Education Publications
N Brown, B Xie, E Sarder, C Fiesler, ES Wiese
ACM Transactions on Computing Education, 2023
Experiences of computer science transfer students
H Kwik, B Xie, AJ Ko
Proceedings of the 2018 ACM conference on international computing education …, 2018
Towards validity for a formative assessment for language-specific program tracing skills
GL Nelson, A Hu, B Xie, AJ Ko
Proceedings of the 19th Koli Calling International Conference on Computing …, 2019
Surfacing equity issues in large computing courses with Peer-Ranked, Demographically-Labeled student feedback
B Xie, A Oleson, J Everson, AJ Ko
Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction 6 (CSCW1), 1-39, 2022
Domain Experts' Interpretations of Assessment Bias in a Scaled, Online Computer Science Curriculum
B Xie, MJ Davidson, B Franke, E McLeod, M Li, AJ Ko
Proceedings of the Eighth ACM Conference on Learning@ Scale, 77-89, 2021
Learning and education in HCI: A reflection on the SIG at CHI 2019
V Pammer-Schindler, E Harpstead, B Xie, B DiSalvo, A Kharrufa, P Slovak, ...
Interactions 27 (5), 6-7, 2020
Developing novice programmers’ self-regulation skills with code replays
B Xie, JO Lim, PKD Pham, M Li, AJ Ko
Proceedings of the 2023 ACM Conference on International Computing Education …, 2023
Progression of computational thinking skills demonstrated by app inventor users
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2016
How data can support equity in computing education
B Xie
XRDS: Crossroads, The ACM Magazine for Students 27 (2), 48-52, 2020
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Articles 1–20