Paul Dickerson
Paul Dickerson
Associate Professor Department of Psychology Roehampton University London
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Cited by
Robot-mediated joint attention in children with autism: A case study in robot-human interaction
B Robins, P Dickerson, P Stribling, K Dautenhahn
Interaction studies 5 (2), 161-198, 2004
From isolation to communication: a case study evaluation of robot assisted play for children with autism with a minimally expressive humanoid robot
B Robins, K Dautenhahn, P Dickerson
2009 second international conferences on advances in computer-human …, 2009
Two forms of spoken repetition in a girl with autism
P Stribling, J Rae, P Dickerson
International Journal of Language & Communication Disorders 42 (4), 427-444, 2007
Robotic playmates: Analysing interactive competencies of children with autism playing with a mobile robot
K Dautenhahn, I Werry, J Rae, P Dickerson, P Stribling, B Ogden
Socially intelligent agents: Creating relationships with computers and …, 2002
‘But I'm different to them’: Constructing contrasts between self and others in talk‐in‐interaction
P Dickerson
British Journal of Social Psychology 39 (3), 381-398, 2000
‘It's not just me who's saying this…’The deployment of cited others in televised political discourse
P Dickerson
British Journal of Social Psychology 36 (1), 33-48, 1997
Using conversation analysis to explore the recurrence of a topic in the talk of a boy with an autism spectrum disorder
P Stribling, J Rae, P Dickerson
Clinical linguistics & phonetics 23 (8), 555-582, 2009
Embodiment and cognitive learning–can a humanoid robot help children with autism to learn about tactile social behaviour?
B Robins, K Dautenhahn, P Dickerson
Social Robotics: 4th International Conference, ICSR 2012, Chengdu, China …, 2012
Tapping into interaction: How children with autistic spectrum disorders design and place tapping in relation to activities in progress
P Dickerson, P Stribling, J Rae
Gesture 7 (3), 271-303, 2007
Robots as embodied beings-Interactionally sensitive body movements in interactions among autistic children and a robot
B Robins, P Dickerson, K Dautenhahn
ROMAN 2005. IEEE International Workshop on Robot and Human Interactive …, 2005
Autistic children’s co-ordination of gaze and talk: Re-examining the ‘asocial’autist
P Dickerson, J Rae, P Stribling, K Dautenhahn, I Werry
Applying conversation analysis, 19-37, 2005
Social psychology: Traditional and critical perspectives
P Dickerson
SAGE Publications Limited, 2024
Let me tell us who I am: The discursive construction of viewer identity
P Dickerson
European Journal of Communication 11 (1), 57-82, 1996
An assessment of eye-gaze potential within immersive virtual environments
N Murray, D Roberts, A Steed, P Sharkey, P Dickerson, J Rae
ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications, and Applications …, 2007
Disputing with care: analysing interviewees' treatment of interviewers' prior turns in televised political interviews
P Dickerson
Discourse Studies 3 (2), 203-222, 2001
Where the action is: a conversation analytic perspective on interaction between a humanoid robot, a co-present adult and a child with an ASD
P Dickerson, B Robins, K Dautenhahn
Interaction Studies 14 (2), 297-316, 2013
Eye gaze in virtual environments: evaluating the need and initial work on implementation
N Murray, D Roberts, A Steed, P Sharkey, P Dickerson, J Rae, R Wolff
Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience 21 (11), 1437-1449, 2009
“Spelling it out”: the design, delivery, and placement of delayed echolalic utterances by a child with an autistic spectrum disorder
P Stribling, J Rae, P Dickerson, K Dautenhahn
Issues in Applied Linguistics 15 (1), 2006
The interactional work of repeated talk between a teacher and a child with autism
TK Korkiakangas, JP Rae, P Dickerson
Journal of Interactional Research in Communication Disorders 3 (1), 1, 2012
‘I did it for the nation’: Repertoires of intent in televised political discourse
P Dickerson
British journal of social psychology 37 (4), 477-494, 1998
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Articles 1–20