Patricio Rodríguez
Patricio Rodríguez
Institute of Education, Universidad de Chile
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Cited by
Beyond Nintendo: design and assessment of educational video games for first and second grade students
R Rosas, M Nussbaum, P Cumsille, V Marianov, M Correa, P Flores, ...
Computers & Education 40 (1), 71-94, 2003
Understanding factors related to Chilean students' digital skills: A mixed methods analysis
I Jara, M Claro, JE Hinostroza, E San Martín, P Rodríguez, T Cabello, ...
Computers & Education 88, 387-398, 2015
Teaching science with mobile computer supported collaborative learning (MCSCL)
C Cortez, M Nussbaum, R Santelices, P Rodriguez, G Zurita, M Correa, ...
The 2nd IEEE International Workshop on Wireless and Mobile Technologies in …, 2004
ICT for education: a conceptual framework for the sustainable adoption of technology-enhanced learning environments in schools
P Rodríguez, M Nussbaum, L Dombrovskaia
Technology, Pedagogy and Education 21 (3), 291-315, 2012
A monitoring and evaluation scheme for an ICT-supported education program in schools
P Rodríguez, M Nussbaum, X López, M Sepúlveda
Journal of Educational Technology & Society 13 (2), 166-179, 2010
Evolutionary development: A model for the design, implementation, and evaluation of ICT for education programmes
P Rodríguez, M Nussbaum, L Dombrovskaia
Journal of Computer Assisted Learning 28 (2), 81-98, 2012
El uso de datos masivos y sus técnicas analíticas para el diseño e implementación de políticas públicas en Latinoamérica y el Caribe
P Rodríguez, N Palomino, J Mondaca
Inter-American Development Bank, 2017
Methodology for evaluating a novel education technology: a case study of handheld video games in Chile
JL Margolis, M Nussbaum, P Rodriguez, R Rosas
Computers & Education 46 (2), 174-191, 2006
Teachers' support with ad‐hoc collaborative networks
C Cortez, M Nussbaum, X López, P Rodríguez, R Santelices, R Rosas, ...
Journal of Computer Assisted Learning 21 (3), 171-180, 2005
Diseño, desarrollo y evaluación de video juegos portátiles educativos y autorregulados
M Nussbaum, R Rosas, P Rodríguez, Y Sun, V Valdivia
Ciencia al día 3 (2), 1-20, 1999
Apoyando la formulación de políticas públicas y toma de decisiones en educación utilizando técnicas de análisis de datos masivos: el caso de Chile
P Rodríguez, R Truffello, K Suchan, F Varela, M Matas, J Mondaca, ...
BID, 2016
A methodology to design, develop, and evaluate machine learning models for predicting dropout in school systems: the case of Chile
P Rodríguez, A Villanueva, L Dombrovskaia, JP Valenzuela
Education and Information Technologies 28 (8), 10103-10149, 2023
Personal digital assistants in the classroom: an experience
P Rodríguez, M Nussbaum, G Zurita, R Rosas, F Lagos
EdMedia+ Innovate Learning, 1567-1572, 2001
Teacher training with face to face computer supported collaborative learning
C Cortez, M Nussbaum, P Rodríguez, X López, R Rosas
Journal of Computer Assisted Learning 21 (3), 171-180, 2005
La geografía de las oportunidades educativas: Determinando el acceso real de los estudiantes a establecimientos educacionales efectivos para generar políticas públicas que …
P Rodríguez
Using global search heuristics for the capacity vehicle routing problem
P Rodríguez, M Nussbaum, R Baeza, G León, M Sepúlveda, A Cobián
Computers & operations research 25 (5), 407-417, 1998
Perspectivas de la inclusión de las TICs en educación y su evaluación en el logro de aprendizajes
M Nussbaum, P Rodríguez
Conferencia TIC & Edu: El impacto de las TIC en la educación superior …, 2010
Using big data and its analytical techniques for public policy design and implementation in Latin America and the Caribbean
P Rodríguez, N Palomino, J Mondaca
Inter-American Development Bank, 2017
The impact of commuting time over educational achievement: A machine learning approach
D Contreras, D Hojman, M Matas, P Rodríguez, N Suárez
University of Chile, Department of Economics Working Papers, 2018
Un modelo de identificación de requerimientos de nueva infraestructura pública en educación básica.
P Rodríguez, JP Valenzuela, J Ulloa, M Matas, D Quintana, C Hernandez, ...
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Articles 1–20