David Whaley
David Whaley
L3 Technologies Electron Devices
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Application of field emitter arrays to microwave power amplifiers
DR Whaley, BM Gannon, CR Smith, CM Armstrong, CA Spindt
IEEE transactions on plasma science 28 (3), 727-747, 2000
100 W operation of a cold cathode TWT
DR Whaley, R Duggal, CM Armstrong, CL Bellew, CE Holland, CA Spindt
IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices 56 (5), 896-905, 2009
Vacuum tube amplifiers
JX Qiu, B Levush, J Pasour, A Katz, CM Armstrong, DR Whaley, J Tucek, ...
IEEE Microwave Magazine 10 (7), 38-51, 2009
A three-dimensional multifrequency large signal model for helix traveling wave tubes
D Chernin, TM Antonsen, B Levush, DR Whaley
IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices 48 (1), 3-11, 2001
Experimental demonstration of an emission-gated traveling-wave tube amplifier
DR Whaley, BM Gannon, VO Heinen, KE Kreischer, CE Holland, ...
IEEE Transactions on plasma science 30 (3), 998-1008, 2002
Mode competition and startup in cylindrical cavity gyrotrons using high-order operating modes
DR Whaley, MQ Tran, TM Tran, TM Antonsen
IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science 22 (5), 850-860, 1994
Design of a linear C-band helix TWT for digital communications experiments using the CHRISTINE suite of large-signal codes
DK Abe, B Levush, TM Antonsen, DR Whaley, BG Danly
IEEE transactions on plasma science 30 (3), 1053-1062, 2002
X-and O-mode electron cyclotron heating breakdown and startup in TCA
DR Whaley, TP Goodman, A Pochelon, R Behn, A Cardinali, BP Duval, ...
Nuclear fusion 32 (5), 757, 1992
CTLSS-an advanced electromagnetic simulation tool for designing high-power microwave sources
SJ Cooke, A Mondelli, B Levush, TM Antonsen, DP Chernin, TH McClure, ...
IEEE transactions on plasma science 28 (3), 841-866, 2000
Startup methods for single-mode gyrotron operation
DR Whaley, MQ Tran, S Alberti, TM Tran, TM Antonsen Jr, C Tran
Physical review letters 75 (7), 1304, 1995
Sixty-percent-efficient miniature C-band vacuum power booster for the microwave power module
DR Whaley, CM Armstrong, B Gannon, G Groshart, E Hurt, J Hutchins, ...
IEEE transactions on plasma science 26 (3), 912-921, 1998
Low-power excitation of gyrotron-type modes in a cylindrical waveguide using quasi-optical techniques
NL Alexandrov, GG Denisov, DR Whaley, MQ Tran
International journal of electronics 79 (2), 215-226, 1995
Electron cyclotron resonance heating on the TCA tokamak
ZA Pietrzyk, A Pochelon, R Behn, A Bondeson, M Dutch, TP Goodman, ...
Nuclear fusion 33 (2), 197, 1993
Practical design of emittance dominated linear beams for RF amplifiers
DR Whaley
IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices 61 (6), 1726-1734, 2014
High average power field emitter cathode and testbed for X/Ku-band cold cathode TWT
D Whaley, R Duggal, C Armstrong, C Holland, C Spindt, D Thibert
2013 IEEE 14th International Vacuum Electronics Conference (IVEC), 1-2, 2013
DAPHNE, a 2D axisymmetric electron gun simulation code
TM Tran, DR Whaley, S Merazzi, R Gruber
Traveling-wave tubes
JH Booske, DR Whaley, WL Menninger, RS Hollister, CM Armstrong
Modern Microwave and Millimeter-Wave Power Electronics, 171-245, 2005
SPECIAL SECTION ON HIGH POWER MICROWAVE GENERATION-SPECIAL SECTION PAPERS-CTLSS--An Advanced Electromagnetic Simulation Tool for Designing High-Power Microwave Sources
SJ Cooke, AA Mondelli, B Levush, TM Antonsen Jr, DP Chernin, ...
IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science 28 (3), 841-866, 2000
Feasibility study of the eu home team on a 170GHz 1MW CW gyrotron for ECH on ITER
CT Iatrou, DR Whaley, S Kern, M Thumm, MQ Tran, A Möbius, HU Nickel, ...
International journal of infrared and millimeter waves 16, 1129-1158, 1995
Operation of a low-voltage high-transconductance field emitter array TWT
DR Whaley, R Duggal, CM Armstrong, CL Bellew, CE Holland, CA Spindt
2008 IEEE International Vacuum Electronics Conference, 78-79, 2008
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Articles 1–20