Timothy T. Yuen
Timothy T. Yuen
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Group tasks, activities, dynamics, and interactions in collaborative robotics projects with elementary and middle school children
T Yuen, M Boecking, J Stone, EP Tiger, A Gomez, A Guillen, A Arreguin
Journal of STEM Education 15 (1), 2014
What factors make a multimedia learning environment engaging: A case study
M Liu, P Toprac, TT Yuen
Cognitive effects of multimedia learning, 173-192, 2009
Securing the human: a review of literature on broadening diversity in cybersecurity education
X Mountrouidou, D Vosen, C Kari, MQ Azhar, S Bhatia, G Gagne, ...
Proceedings of the Working Group Reports on Innovation and Technology in …, 2019
Collaborative robotics projects for adolescents with autism spectrum disorders
TT Yuen, LL Mason, A Gomez
Journal of Special Education Technology 29 (1), 51-62, 2014
A qualitative study of students' computational thinking skills in a data-driven computing class
TT Yuen, KA Robbins
ACM Transactions on Computing Education (TOCE) 14 (4), 1-19, 2014
Increasing participation from underrepresented minorities in STEM through robotics clubs
TT Yuen, LD Ek, A Scheutze
Proceedings of 2013 IEEE International Conference on Teaching, Assessment …, 2013
Generating transworld pedagogy: Reimagining la clase mágica
KD Gutiérrez, MM Avidad, P López, A Valenzuela, L Claeys, H Muñoz, ...
Lexington Books, 2014
Four cases of a sociocultural approach to mobile learning in La Clase Mágica, an afterschool technology club
L Prieto, MG Arreguin-Anderson, TT Yuen, LD Ek, P Sanchez, ...
Interactive Learning Environments 24 (2), 345-356, 2016
Designing technology-enriched cognitive tools to support young learners’ problem solving
M Liu, TT Yuen, L Horton, J Lee, P Toprac, T Bogard
The International Journal of Cognitive Technology 18 (1), 14-21, 2013
Novices' knowledge construction of difficult concepts in CS1
TT Yuen
ACM SIGCSE Bulletin 39 (4), 49-53, 2007
Designing teacher professional development workshops for robotics integration across elementary and secondary school curriculum
H Zhou, TT Yuen, C Popescu, A Guillen, DG Davis
2015 International Conference on Learning and Teaching in Computing and …, 2015
Design, development, and implementation of educational robotics activities for k-12 students
C Saygin, TT Yuen, HJ Shipley, D Akopian
2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, 25.404. 1-25.404. 17, 2012
STEM conversations in social media: Implications on STEM education
TA Pickering, TT Yuen, T Wang
2016 IEEE International Conference on Teaching, Assessment, and Learning for …, 2016
Multiple case study of nerd identity in a CS1 class
D Davis, T Yuen, M Berland
Proceedings of the 45th ACM technical symposium on Computer science …, 2014
Transformative practices in engineering education: The embedded expert model
R Nelson, V Marone, SA Garcia, TT Yuen, EP Bonner, JA Browning
IEEE Transactions on Education 64 (2), 187-194, 2020
A cognitive model of how interactive multimedia authoring facilitates conceptual understanding of object-oriented programming in novices
T Yuen, M Liu
Journal of Interactive Learning Research 22 (3), 329-356, 2011
Scrumming with educators: Cross-departmental collaboration for a summer software engineering capstone
TT Yuen
2015 International Conference on Learning and Teaching in Computing and …, 2015
Factors that influence students to major in engineering
TT Yuen, C Saygin, H Shipley, H Wan, D Akopian
International Journal of Engineering Education 28 (4), 932, 2012
Introducing computer science to high school students through logic programming
TT Yuen, M Reyes, Y Zhang
Theory and Practice of Logic Programming 19 (2), 204-228, 2019
Investigation of social networks and discussions in stem education communities on twitter
TT Yuen, TA Pickering
2015 International Conference on Learning and Teaching in Computing and …, 2015
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Articles 1–20