Alberto Antonietti
Cited by
Cited by
Uncanny but not confusing: Multisite study of perceptual category confusion in the Uncanny Valley
MB Mathur, DB Reichling, F Lunardini, A Geminiani, A Antonietti, ...
Computers in Human Behavior 103, 21-30, 2020
Modeling the cerebellar microcircuit: new strategies for a long-standing issue
E D’Angelo, A Antonietti, S Casali, C Casellato, JA Garrido, NR Luque, ...
Frontiers in cellular neuroscience 10, 176, 2016
Adaptive robotic control driven by a versatile spiking cerebellar network
C Casellato, A Antonietti, JA Garrido, RR Carrillo, NR Luque, E Ros, ...
PLoS one 9 (11), e112265, 2014
Towards a functional performance validation standard for industrial low-back exoskeletons: State of the art review
M Pesenti, A Antonietti, M Gandolla, A Pedrocchi
Sensors 21 (3), 808, 2021
A multiple-plasticity spiking neural network embedded in a closed-loop control system to model cerebellar pathologies
A Geminiani, C Casellato, A Antonietti, E D’Angelo, A Pedrocchi
International journal of neural systems 28 (05), 1750017, 2018
Spiking neural network with distributed plasticity reproduces cerebellar learning in eye blink conditioning paradigms
A Antonietti, C Casellato, JA Garrido, NR Luque, F Naveros, E Ros, ...
IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering 63 (1), 210-219, 2015
Creating clear and informative image-based figures for scientific publications
H Jambor*, A Antonietti*, B Alicea, TL Audisio, S Auer, V Bhardwaj, ...
PLoS biology 19 (3), e3001161, 2021
Distributed cerebellar plasticity implements generalized multiple-scale memory components in real-robot sensorimotor tasks
C Casellato, A Antonietti, JA Garrido, G Ferrigno, E D'Angelo, A Pedrocchi
Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience 9, 24, 2015
Recommendations for empowering early career researchers to improve research culture and practice
BA Kent, C Holman, E Amoako, A Antonietti, JM Azam, H Ballhausen, ...
PLoS Biology 20 (7), e3001680, 2022
Causal and associational language in observational health research: a systematic evaluation
NA Haber, SE Wieten, JM Rohrer, OA Arah, PWG Tennant, EA Stuart, ...
American journal of epidemiology 191 (12), 2084-2097, 2022
Control of a humanoid nao robot by an adaptive bioinspired cerebellar module in 3d motion tasks
A Antonietti, D Martina, C Casellato, E D’Angelo, A Pedrocchi
Computational intelligence and neuroscience 2019 (1), 4862157, 2019
The effectiveness of wearable upper limb assistive devices in degenerative neuromuscular diseases: A systematic review and meta-analysis
M Gandolla, A Antonietti, V Longatelli, A Pedrocchi
Frontiers in bioengineering and biotechnology 7, 450, 2020
Model simulations unveil the structure-function-dynamics relationship of the cerebellar cortical microcircuit
R De Schepper, A Geminiani, S Masoli, MF Rizza, A Antonietti, ...
Communications Biology 5 (1), 1240, 2022
NEST 2.20. 1
T Fardet, R Deepu, J Mitchell, JM Eppler, S Spreizer, J Hahne, I Kitayama, ...
Computational and Systems Neuroscience, 2020
Model-driven analysis of eyeblink classical conditioning reveals the underlying structure of cerebellar plasticity and neuronal activity
A Antonietti, C Casellato, E D’Angelo, A Pedrocchi
IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems 28 (11), 2748-2762, 2016
Dynamic redistribution of plasticity in a cerebellar spiking neural network reproducing an associative learning task perturbed by TMS
A Antonietti, J Monaco, E D'Angelo, A Pedrocchi, C Casellato
International journal of neural systems 28 (09), 1850020, 2018
User-centred assistive SystEm for arm Functions in neUromuscuLar subjects (USEFUL): a randomized controlled study
V Longatelli, A Antonietti, E Biffi, E Diella, MG D’Angelo, M Rossini, ...
Journal of neuroengineering and rehabilitation 18, 1-16, 2021
NEST 2.16. 0
C Linssen, R Deepu, J Mitchell, ME Lepperřd, J Garrido, S Spreizer, ...
Jülich Supercomputing Center, 2018
A functional model for unifying brain computer interface terminology
C Easttom, L Bianchi, D Valeriani, CS Nam, A Hossaini, D Zapała, ...
IEEE Open Journal of Engineering in Medicine and Biology 2, 91-96, 2021
Test-retest reliability of the Performance of Upper Limb (PUL) module for muscular dystrophy patients
M Gandolla*, A Antonietti*, V Longatelli, E Biffi, E Diella, M Delle Fave, ...
PloS one 15 (9), e0239064, 2020
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Articles 1–20