Fakhteh Ghanbarnejad
Fakhteh Ghanbarnejad
Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK),Germany
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Avalanche outbreaks emerging in cooperative contagions
W Cai, L Chen, F Ghanbarnejad, P Grassberger
Nature physics 11 (11), 936-940, 2015
Outbreaks of coinfections: The critical role of cooperativity
L Chen, F Ghanbarnejad, W Cai, P Grassberger
Europhysics Letters 104 (5), 50001, 2013
Fundamental properties of cooperative contagion processes
L Chen, F Ghanbarnejad, D Brockmann
New Journal of Physics 19 (10), 103041, 2017
Extracting information from S-curves of language change
F Ghanbarnejad, M Gerlach, JM Miotto, EG Altmann
Journal of The Royal Society Interface 11 (101), 20141044, 2014
Phase transitions in cooperative coinfections: Simulation results for networks and lattices
P Grassberger, L Chen, F Ghanbarnejad, W Cai
Physical Review E 93 (4), 042316, 2016
Markovian approach to tackle the interaction of simultaneous diseases
D Soriano-Paños, F Ghanbarnejad, S Meloni, J Gómez-Gardeñes
Physical Review E 100 (6), 062308, 2019
Scaling behavior of earthquakes’ inter-events time series
S Shadkhoo, F Ghanbarnejad, G Jafari, M Tabar
Open Physics 7 (3), 620-623, 2009
Interplay between competitive and cooperative interactions in a three-player pathogen system
F Pinotti, F Ghanbarnejad, P Hövel, C Poletto
Royal Society Open Science 7 (1), 2054-5703, 2020
Interplay between competitive and cooperative interactions in a three-player pathogen system
F Pinotti, F Ghanbarnejad, P Hövel, C Poletto
arXiv preprint arXiv:1912.07289, 2019
Modeling competitive marketing strategies in social networks
R Goel, A Singh, F Ghanbarnejad
Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 518, 50-70, 2019
Particle velocity controls phase transitions in contagion dynamics
JP Rodríguez, F Ghanbarnejad, VM Eguíluz
Scientific reports 9 (1), 6463, 2019
Social distancing in pedestrian dynamics and its effect on disease spreading
S Sajjadi, A Hashemi, F Ghanbarnejad
Physical Review E 104 (1), 014313, 2021
Impact of individual nodes in Boolean network dynamics
F Ghanbarnejad, K Klemm
Europhysics Letters 99 (5), 58006, 2012
Stability of Boolean and continuous dynamics
F Ghanbarnejad, K Klemm
Physical Review Letters 107 (18), 188701, 2011
Risk of coinfection outbreaks in temporal networks: A case study of a hospital contact network
JP Rodríguez, F Ghanbarnejad, VM Eguíluz
Frontiers in Physics 5, 46, 2017
Exact solution of generalized cooperative susceptible-infected-removed (SIR) dynamics
F Zarei, S Moghimi-Araghi, F Ghanbarnejad
Physical Review E 100 (1), 012307, 2019
Automated fake news detection using cross-checking with reliable sources
Z Ghadiri, M Ranjbar, F Ghanbarnejad, S Raeisi
arXiv preprint arXiv:2201.00083, 2022
Perturbations in Boolean networks as model of gene regulatory dynamics (doctoral thesis)
F Ghanbarnejad
University of Leipzig, Leipzig, Germany, 2012
Impact of temporal correlations on high risk outbreaks of independent and cooperative SIR dynamics
S Sajjadi, MR Ejtehadi, F Ghanbarnejad
Plos one 16 (7), e0253563, 2021
Apathogenic proxies for transmission dynamics of a fatal virus
MLJ Gilbertson, NM Fountain-Jones, JL Malmberg, RB Gagne, JS Lee, ...
Frontiers in Veterinary Science 9, 940007, 2022
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