Jeno Gubicza
Jeno Gubicza
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Crystallite size distribution and dislocation structure determined by diffraction profile analysis: principles and practical application to cubic and hexagonal crystals
T Ungár, J Gubicza, G Ribárik, A Borbély
Journal of applied crystallography 34 (3), 298-310, 2001
MWP-fit: a program for multiple whole-profile fitting of diffraction peak profiles by ab initio theoretical functions
G Ribárik, T Ungár, J Gubicza
Journal of applied crystallography 34 (5), 669-676, 2001
Correlation between strength and microstructure of ball-milled Al–Mg alloys determined by X-ray diffraction
G Ribárik, J Gubicza, T Ungár
Materials science and engineering: A 387, 343-347, 2004
Nanomaterials by severe plastic deformation: review of historical developments and recent advances
K Edalati, A Bachmaier, VA Beloshenko, Y Beygelzimer, VD Blank, ...
Materials Research Letters 10 (4), 163-256, 2022
Nanostructures in Ti processed by severe plastic deformation
YT Zhu, JY Huang, J Gubicza, T Ungár, YM Wang, E Ma, RZ Valiev
Journal of materials research 18 (8), 1908-1917, 2003
Correlation between subgrains and coherently scattering domains
T Ungár, G Tichy, J Gubicza, RJ Hellmig
Powder Diffraction 20 (4), 366-375, 2005
Microstructure of carbon blacks determined by X-ray diffraction profile analysis
T Ungar, J Gubicza, G Ribarik, C Pantea, TW Zerda
Carbon 40 (6), 929-937, 2002
Microstructure and mechanical behavior of AZ91 Mg alloy processed by equal channel angular pressing
K Máthis, J Gubicza, NH Nam
Journal of Alloys and Compounds 394 (1-2), 194-199, 2005
The effect of severe plastic deformation on precipitation in supersaturated Al–Zn–Mg alloys
J Gubicza, I Schiller, NQ Chinh, J Illy, Z Horita, TG Langdon
Materials Science and Engineering: A 460, 77-85, 2007
Effect of Mg addition on microstructure and mechanical properties of aluminum
J Gubicza, NQ Chinh, Z Horita, TG Langdon
Materials Science and Engineering: A 387, 55-59, 2004
X-ray line profile analysis in materials science
J Gubicza
IGI Global, 2014
Microstructure of ultrafine-grained fcc metals produced by severe plastic deformation
J Gubicza, NQ Chinh, G Krállics, I Schiller, T Ungár
Current Applied Physics 6 (2), 194-199, 2006
Densities and character of dislocations and size-distribution of subgrains in deformed metals by X-ray diffraction profile analysis
T Ungár, J Gubicza, P Hanák, I Alexandrov
Materials Science and Engineering: A 319, 274-278, 2001
High strength and good electrical conductivity in Cu–Cr alloys processed by severe plastic deformation
SV Dobatkin, J Gubicza, DV Shangina, NR Bochvar, NY Tabachkova
Materials Letters 153, 5-9, 2015
Microstructure and strength of severely deformed fcc metals
J Gubicza, NQ Chinh, T Csanadi, TG Langdon, T Ungár
Materials Science and Engineering: A 462 (1-2), 86-90, 2007
High strength and ductile ultrafine-grained Cu–Ag alloy through bimodal grain size, dislocation density and solute distribution
KS Raju, VS Sarma, A Kauffmann, Z Hegedűs, J Gubicza, M Peterlechner, ...
Acta Materialia 61 (1), 228-238, 2013
Mechanical behavior and microstructure of Ti20Hf20Zr20Ta20Nb20 high-entropy alloy loaded under quasi-static and dynamic compression conditions
G Dirras, H Couque, L Lilensten, A Heczel, D Tingaud, JP Couzinié, ...
Materials Characterization 111, 106-113, 2016
Defect structure and hardness in nanocrystalline CoCrFeMnNi high-entropy alloy processed by high-pressure torsion
A Heczel, M Kawasaki, JL Lábár, J Jang, TG Langdon, J Gubicza
Journal of Alloys and Compounds 711, 143-154, 2017
Dislocation structure and crystallite size in severely deformed copper by X-ray peak profile analysis
J Gubicza, L Balogh, RJ Hellmig, Y Estrin, T Ungár
Materials Science and Engineering: A 400, 334-338, 2005
Microstructural investigation of plastically deformed Ti20Zr20Hf20Nb20Ta20 high entropy alloy by X-ray diffraction and transmission electron microscopy
G Dirras, J Gubicza, A Heczel, L Lilensten, JP Couzinié, L Perričre, ...
Materials Characterization 108, 1-7, 2015
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Articles 1–20