Talha Qaiser
Talha Qaiser
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Cited by
Diagnostic assessment of deep learning algorithms for detection of lymph node metastases in women with breast cancer
BE Bejnordi, M Veta, PJ Van Diest, B Van Ginneken, N Karssemeijer, ...
Jama 318 (22), 2199-2210, 2017
Predicting breast tumor proliferation from whole-slide images: the TUPAC16 challenge
M Veta, YJ Heng, N Stathonikos, BE Bejnordi, F Beca, T Wollmann, ...
Medical image analysis 54, 111-121, 2019
Methods for segmentation and classification of digital microscopy tissue images
QD Vu, S Graham, T Kurc, MNN To, M Shaban, T Qaiser, NA Koohbanani, ...
Frontiers in bioengineering and biotechnology 7, 433738, 2019
Fast and accurate tumor segmentation of histology images using persistent homology and deep convolutional features
T Qaiser, YW Tsang, D Taniyama, N Sakamoto, K Nakane, D Epstein, ...
Medical image analysis 55, 1-14, 2019
Her2 Challenge Contest: A Detailed Assessment of Automated Her2 Scoring Algorithms in Whole Slide Images of Breast Cancer Tissues
T Qaiser, A Mukherjee, SD Munugoti, V Tallam, T Pitkäaho, T Lehtimäki, ...
Histopathology 72 (2), 2018
Learning Where to See: A Novel Attention Model for Automated Immunohistochemical Scoring
T Qaiser, NM Rajpoot
IEEE transactions on medical imaging, 2019
Persistent homology for fast tumor segmentation in whole slide histology images
T Qaiser, K Sirinukunwattana, K Nakane, YW Tsang, D Epstein, N Rajpoot
Procedia Computer Science 90, 119-124, 2016
Classification of lung cancer histology images using patch-level summary statistics
S Graham, M Shaban, T Qaiser, NA Koohbanani, SA Khurram, N Rajpoot
Medical Imaging 2018: Digital Pathology 10581, 327-334, 2018
Usability of deep learning and H&E images predict disease outcome-emerging tool to optimize clinical trials
T Qaiser, CY Lee, M Vandenberghe, J Yeh, MA Gavrielides, J Hipp, ...
NPJ precision oncology 6 (1), 37, 2022
Leveraging unlabeled whole-slide-images for mitosis detection
SU Akram, T Qaiser, S Graham, J Kannala, J Heikkilä, N Rajpoot
Computational Pathology and Ophthalmic Medical Image Analysis: First …, 2018
Tumor segmentation in whole slide images using persistent homology and deep convolutional features
T Qaiser, YW Tsang, D Epstein, N Rajpoot
Medical Image Understanding and Analysis: 21st Annual Conference, MIUA 2017 …, 2017
Nucleus classification in histology images using message passing network
T Hassan, S Javed, A Mahmood, T Qaiser, N Werghi, N Rajpoot
Medical Image Analysis 79, 102480, 2022
Investigating the effect of various augmentations on the input data fed to a convolutional neural network for the task of mammographic mass classification
A Hamidinekoo, Z Suhail, T Qaiser, R Zwiggelaar
Medical Image Understanding and Analysis: 21st Annual Conference, MIUA 2017 …, 2017
Consistency regularisation in varying contexts and feature perturbations for semi-supervised semantic segmentation of histology images
RMS Bashir, T Qaiser, SEA Raza, NM Rajpoot
Medical Image Analysis 91, 102997, 2024
Multiple instance learning with auxiliary task weighting for multiple myeloma classification
T Qaiser, S Winzeck, T Barfoot, T Barwick, SJ Doran, MF Kaiser, ...
Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention–MICCAI 2021: 24th …, 2021
Hybrid aggregation network for survival analysis from whole slide histopathological images
JR Chang, CY Lee, CC Chen, J Reischl, T Qaiser, CY Yeh
Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention–MICCAI 2021: 24th …, 2021
HydraMix-Net: a deep multi-task semi-supervised learning approach for cell detection and classification
RMS Bashir, T Qaiser, SEA Raza, NM Rajpoot
Interpretable and Annotation-Efficient Learning for Medical Image Computing …, 2020
Knowledge distillation in histology landscape by multi-layer features supervision
S Javed, A Mahmood, T Qaiser, N Werghi
IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics 27 (4), 2037-2046, 2023
Classification of COVID-19 via Homology of CT-SCAN
S Iqbal, HF Ahmed, T Qaiser, MI Qureshi, N Rajpoot
arXiv preprint arXiv:2102.10593, 2021
Digital tumor-collagen proximity signature predicts survival in diffuse large B-cell lymphoma
T Qaiser, M Pugh, S Margielewska, R Hollows, P Murray, N Rajpoot
Digital Pathology: 15th European Congress, ECDP 2019, Warwick, UK, April 10 …, 2019
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Articles 1–20