Lenin Chari
Lenin Chari
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Is awareness on plastic pollution being raised in schools? Understanding perceptions of primary and secondary school educators
MTB Dalu, RN Cuthbert, H Muhali, LD Chari, A Manyani, C Masunungure, ...
Sustainability 12 (17), 6775, 2020
Colonisation and community structure of benthic diatoms on artificial substrates following a major flood event: A case of the Kowie River (Eastern Cape, South Africa)
T Dalu, PW Froneman, LD Chari, NB Richoux
Water SA 40 (3), 471-480, 2014
Decoupled reciprocal subsidies of biomass and fatty acids in fluxes of invertebrates between a temperate river and the adjacent land
S Moyo, LD Chari, MH Villet, NB Richoux
Aquatic Sciences 79, 689-703, 2017
Modeling sedimentation rates of Malilangwe reservoir in the south-eastern lowveld of Zimbabwe
T Dalu, EM Tambara, B Clegg, LD Chari, T Nhiwatiwa
Applied Water Science 3, 133-144, 2013
Biology of invasive plants 1. Pyracantha angustifolia (Franch.) CK Schneid
LD Chari, GD Martin, SL Steenhuisen, LD Adams, VR Clark
Invasive Plant Science and Management 13 (3), 120-142, 2020
Dietary fatty acids of spiders reveal spatial and temporal variations in aquatic-terrestrial linkages
LD Chari, NB Richoux, S Moyo, MH Villet
Food Webs 24, e00152, 2020
Drivers of aquatic macroinvertebrate communities in a Ramsar declared wetland system
T Dalu, RN Cuthbert, MJ Methi, F Dondofema, LD Chari, RJ Wasserman
Science of The Total Environment 818, 151683, 2022
Genetic diversity and morphological variation in African boxthorn (Lycium ferocissimum)–characterising the target weed for biological control
GA McCulloch, EV Mauda, LD Chari, GD Martin, K Gurdasani, L Morin, ...
Biological Control 143, 104206, 2020
First results on bathymetry, stratification and physicochemical limnology of a small tropical African reservoir (Malilangwe, Zimbabwe)
T Dalu, Z Thackeray, R Leuci, B Clegg, LD Chari, T Nhiwatiwa
Water SA 39 (1), 119-130, 2013
Trophic ecology of adult male Odonata. I. Dietary niche metrics by foraging guild, species, body size, and location
LD Chari, S Moyo, NB Richoux
Ecological entomology 43 (1), 1-14, 2018
Balloon milkweed Gomphocarpus physocarpus distribution and drivers in an internationally protected wetland
T Dalu, TT Murudi, F Dondofema, RJ Wasserman, LD Chari, ...
BioInvasions Records 9 (3), 627-641, 2020
Quantifying Metal Contamination and Potential Uptake by Phragmites australis Adans. (Poaceae) Along a Subtropical River System
NR Netshiongolwe, RN Cuthbert, MM Maenetje, LD Chari, SN Motitsoe, ...
Plants 9 (7), 846, 2020
Trophic ecology of adult male O donata. II. D ietary contributions of aquatic food sources
LD Chari, S Moyo, NB Richoux
Ecological Entomology 43 (1), 15-27, 2018
Odonata trophic ecology
A Sentis, K Kaunisto, L Chari, A Morrill, O Popova, J Pomeranz, D Boukal, ...
Dragonflies and Damselflies. Model Organisms for Ecological and Evolutionary …, 2022
A test of the Lake habitat survey method in Cleveland reservoir and Lake chivero (Manyame River basin, Zimbabwe)
T Dalu, E Tambara, LD Chari, S Moyo, T Nhiwatiwa
Water SA 42 (1), 102-111, 2016
Insect herbivores associated with Lycium ferocissimum (Solanaceae) in South Africa and their potential as biological control agents in Australia
LD Chari, EV Mauda, GD Martin, S Raghu
African Entomology 28 (2), 359-372, 2020
Invasive carp alter trophic niches of consumers and basal resources in African reservoirs
T Dalu, RN Cuthbert, S Moyo, RJ Wasserman, LD Chari, OLF Weyl, ...
Science of the Total Environment 813, 152625, 2022
Predators of aerial insects and riparian cross-boundary trophic dynamics: web-building spiders, dragonflies and damselflies
LD Chari
Doctor of Philosophy, Rhodes University, South Africa, 2016
The influence of large, vegetated termitaria and large herbivores on spider (Araneae) diversity in miombo woodlands
LD Chari
Tangled in a Web: Management Type and Vegetation Shape the Occurrence of Web-Building Spiders in Protected Areas
E Ellsworth, Y Li, LD Chari, A Kron, S Moyo
Insects 13 (12), 1129, 2022
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Articles 1–20