Tomoya Kemmochi
Tomoya Kemmochi
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Discrete maximal regularity and the finite element method for parabolic equations
T Kemmochi, N Saito
Numerische Mathematik 138, 905-937, 2018
Discrete maximal regularity for abstract Cauchy problems
T Kemmochi
Studia Math. 234 (3), 241--263, 2016
Pointwise error estimates of linear finite element method for Neumann boundary value problems in a smooth domain
T Kashiwabara, T Kemmochi
Numerische Mathematik 144 (3), 553-584, 2020
Stability, analyticity, and maximal regularity for parabolic finite element problems on smooth domains
T Kashiwabara, T Kemmochi
Mathematics of Computation 89 (324), 1647-1679, 2020
Energy dissipative numerical schemes for gradient flows of planar curves
T Kemmochi
BIT Numerical Mathematics 57 (4), 991-1017, 2017
Computing the matrix fractional power with the double exponential formula
F Tatsuoka, T Sogabe, Y Miyatake, T Kemmochi, SL Zhang
Electron. Trans. Numer. Anal. 54, 558-580, 2021
Scalar auxiliary variable approach for conservative/dissipative partial differential equations with unbounded energy functionals
T Kemmochi, S Sato
BIT Numerical Mathematics 62 (3), 903-930, 2022
Relation between the T-congruence Sylvester equation and the generalized Sylvester equation
Y Satake, M Oozawa, T Sogabe, Y Miyatake, T Kemmochi, SL Zhang
Applied Mathematics Letters 96, 7-13, 2019
Numerical analysis of elastica with obstacle and adhesion effects
T Kemmochi
Applicable Analysis 98 (6), 1085-1103, 2019
On a transformation of the∗-congruence Sylvester equation for the least squares optimization
Y Satake, T Sogabe, T Kemmochi, SL Zhang
Optimization Methods and Software 35 (5), 974-981, 2020
On the finite element approximation for non-stationary saddle-point problems
T Kemmochi
Japan Journal of Industrial and Applied Mathematics 35, 423-439, 2018
Structure-preserving numerical methods for constrained gradient flows of planar closed curves with explicit tangential velocities
T Kemmochi, Y Miyatake, K Sakakibara
Japan Journal of Industrial and Applied Mathematics, 1-29, 2024
Computing the matrix exponential with the double exponential formula
F Tatsuoka, T Sogabe, T Kemmochi, SL Zhang
Special Matrices 12 (1), 20240013, 2024
Migrating elastic flows
T Kemmochi, T Miura
Journal de Mathématiques Pures et Appliquées 185, 47-62, 2024
Modified Strang splitting for semilinear parabolic problems
K Nakano, T Kemmochi, Y Miyatake, T Sogabe, SL Zhang
JSIAM Letters 11, 77-80, 2019
Discrete maximal regularity for the discontinuous Galerkin time-stepping method without logarithmic factor
T Kashiwabara, T Kemmochi
SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis 62 (4), 1638-1659, 2024
A Structure-Preserving Numerical Method for the Fourth-Order Geometric Evolution Equations for Planar Curves
E Miyazaki, T Kemmochi
Communications in Mathematical Research 39 (2), 296-330, 2023
-resolvent estimate for finite element approximation of the Stokes operator
T Kemmochi
arXiv preprint arXiv:2208.11892, 2022
A preconditioning technique of Gauss--Legendre quadrature for the logarithm of symmetric positive definite matrices
F Tatsuoka, T Sogabe, T Kemmochi, SL Zhang
arXiv preprint arXiv:2410.22014, 2024
Discrete maximal regularity for the finite element approximation of the Stokes operator and its application
T Kemmochi
arXiv preprint arXiv:2303.16236, 2023
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Articles 1–20