John Stout
John Stout
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Intermittent saltation
JE Stout, TM Zobeck
Sedimentology 44 (5), 959-970, 1997
RWEQ: Improved wind erosion technology
DW Fryrear, JD Bilbro, A Saleh, H Schomberg, JE Stout, TM Zobeck
Journal of soil and water conservation 55 (2), 183-189, 2000
Measurement and data analysis methods for field‐scale wind erosion studies and model validation
TM Zobeck, G Sterk, R Funk, JL Rajot, JE Stout, RS Van Pelt
Earth Surface Processes and Landforms: The Journal of the British …, 2003
Characterization of maize inbred lines for drought and heat tolerance
J Chen, W Xu, J Velten, Z Xin, J Stout
Journal of soil and water conservation 67 (5), 354-364, 2012
Conservation Reserve Program effects on soil quality indicators
DL Karlen, MJ Rosek, JC Gardner, DL Allan, MJ Alms, DF Bezdicek, ...
Journal of soil and water conservation 54 (1), 439-444, 1999
The Wolfforth field experiment: a wind erosion study
JE Stout, TM Zobeck
Soil Science 161 (9), 616-632, 1996
Wind erosion: field measurement and analysis
DW Fryrear, JE Stout, LJ Hagen, ED Vories
Transactions of the ASAE 34 (1), 155-0160, 1991
Wind erosion within a simple field
JE Stout
Transactions of the ASAE 33 (5), 1-1600, 1990
Dust and environment in the southern high plains of North America
JE Stout
Journal of Arid Environments 47 (4), 425-441, 2001
Technologies for laboratory generation of dust from geological materials
TE Gill, TM Zobeck, JE Stout
Journal of hazardous materials 132 (1), 1-13, 2006
Validation of the wind erosion stochastic simulator (WESS) and the revised wind erosion equation (RWEQ) for single events
RS Van Pelt, TM Zobeck, KN Potter, JE Stout, TW Popham
Environmental Modelling & Software 19 (2), 191-198, 2004
Effect of averaging time on the apparent threshold for aeolian transport
JE Stout
Journal of arid Environments 39 (3), 395-401, 1998
A method for establishing the critical threshold for aeolian transport in the field
JE Stout
Earth Surface Processes and Landforms: The Journal of the British …, 2004
Performance of a windblown-particle sampler
JE Stout, DW Fryrear
Transactions of the ASAE 32 (6), 2041-2045, 1989
Simultaneous observations of the critical aeolian threshold of two surfaces
JE Stout
Geomorphology 85 (1-2), 3-16, 2007
The effect of nonlinear drag on the motion and settling velocity of heavy particles
JE Stout, SP Arya, EL Genikhovich
Journal of Atmospheric Sciences 52 (22), 3836-3848, 1995
Publication trends in aeolian research: An analysis of the Bibliography of Aeolian Research
JE Stout, A Warren, TE Gill
Geomorphology 105 (1-2), 6-17, 2009
Indirect evidence of wind erosion trends on the Southern High Plains of North America
JE Stout, JA Lee
Journal of Arid Environments 55 (1), 43-61, 2003
Establishing the threshold condition for soil movement in wind-eroding fields
JE Stout, TM Zobeck
Proceedings of International Conference on Air Pollution from Agricultural …, 1996
Geomorphic and hydrologic controls of dust emissions during drought from Yellow Lake playa, West Texas, USA
MR Sweeney, VA Zlotnik, RM Joeckel, JE Stout
Journal of Arid Environments 133, 37-46, 2016
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