Francesca Starita
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Cited by
Revaluing the role of vmPFC in the acquisition of Pavlovian threat conditioning in humans
S Battaglia, S Garofalo, G di Pellegrino, F Starita
Journal of neuroscience 40 (44), 8491-8500, 2020
Threat learning promotes generalization of episodic memory.
F Starita, MCW Kroes, L Davachi, EA Phelps, JE Dunsmoor
Journal of Experimental Psychology: General 148 (8), 1426, 2019
Alexithymia is related to the need for more emotional intensity to identify static fearful facial expressions
F Starita, K Borhani, C Bertini, C Scarpazza
Frontiers in Psychology 9, 929, 2018
Interaction effect: Are you doing the right thing?
S Garofalo, S Giovagnoli, M Orsoni, F Starita, M Benassi
PLoS One 17 (7), e0271668, 2022
Reduced anticipation of negative emotional events in alexithymia
F Starita, E Lądavas, G di Pellegrino
Scientific reports 6 (1), 27664, 2016
Error monitoring is related to processing internal affective states
ME Maier, C Scarpazza, F Starita, R Filogamo, E Lądavas
Cognitive, Affective, & Behavioral Neuroscience 16, 1050-1062, 2016
The spatial logic of fear
G Ellena, F Starita, P Haggard, E Lądavas
Cognition 203, 104336, 2020
Alexithymia and the reduced ability to represent the value of aversively motivated actions
F Starita, G Di Pellegrino
Frontiers in Psychology 9, 2587, 2018
Modulation of cue-guided choices by transcranial direct current stimulation
S Garofalo, S Battaglia, F Starita, G di Pellegrino
Cortex 137, 124-137, 2021
Preliminary user centred evaluation of regional aircraft cabin interiors in virtual reality
F De Crescenzio, S Bagassi, F Starita
Scientific reports 11 (1), 9662, 2021
The Cost of Imagined Actions in a Reward-Valuation Task
M Sellitto, D Terenzi, F Starita, G di Pellegrino, S Battaglia
Brain Sciences 12 (5), 582, 2022
Fear‐specific enhancement of tactile perception is disrupted after amygdala lesion
C Bertini, F Starita, C Passamonti, F Santoro, N Zamponi, R Michelucci, ...
Journal of neuropsychology 14 (1), 165-182, 2020
Subliminal determinants of cue-guided choice
S Garofalo, L Sagliano, F Starita, L Trojano, G di Pellegrino
Scientific Reports 10 (1), 11926, 2020
Intentionality attribution and emotion: The Knobe Effect in alexithymia
MM Zucchelli, F Starita, C Bertini, F Giusberti, E Ciaramelli
Cognition 191, 103978, 2019
Fearful faces modulate spatial processing in peripersonal space: An ERP study
G Ellena, F Starita, P Haggard, V Romei, E Lądavas
Neuropsychologia 156, 107827, 2021
Aberrant reward prediction error during Pavlovian appetitive learning in alexithymia
F Starita, M Pietrelli, C Bertini, G di Pellegrino
Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience 14 (10), 1119-1129, 2019
General Pavlovian-to-instrumental transfer in humans: Evidence from Bayesian inference
LAE Degni, D Dalbagno, F Starita, M Benassi, G di Pellegrino, S Garofalo
Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience 16, 945503, 2022
Theta and alpha power track the acquisition and reversal of threat predictions and correlate with skin conductance response
F Starita, G Pirazzini, G Ricci, S Garofalo, D Dalbagno, LAE Degni, ...
Psychophysiology 60 (7), e14247, 2023
Pavlovian threat learning shapes the kinematics of action
F Starita, S Garofalo, D Dalbagno, LAE Degni, G di Pellegrino
Frontiers in Psychology 13, 1005656, 2022
Unifying evidence on delay discounting: Open task, analysis tutorial, and normative data from an Italian sample
S Garofalo, LAE Degni, M Sellitto, D Braghittoni, F Starita, S Giovagnoli, ...
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 19 (4), 2049, 2022
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Articles 1–20