Teoh Teik Toe
Teoh Teik Toe
Senior Lecturer and Academic Director, NTU
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Anomaly detection in cyber security attacks on networks using MLP deep learning
TT Teoh, G Chiew, EJ Franco, PC Ng, MP Benjamin, YJ Goh
2018 International Conference on Smart Computing and Electronic Enterprise …, 2018
Research study on the correlation between employee job satisfaction and employee motivation
TT Toe, WR Murhadi, W Lin
International Journal of Business Management 6 (1), 142-166, 2013
Analyst intuition based Hidden Markov Model on high speed, temporal cyber security big data
TT Teoh, YY Nguwi, Y Elovici, NM Cheung, WL Ng
2017 13th International Conference on Natural Computation, Fuzzy Systems and …, 2017
Artificial intelligence with python
TT Teoh, Z Rong
Springer, 2022
Blockchain applications in IoT ecosystem
T Choudhury, A Khanna, TT Toe, M Khurana, NG Nhu
Springer, 2021
Analyst intuition inspired neural network based cyber security anomaly detection
TT Teoh, YY Nguwi, Y Elovici, WL Ng, SY Thiang
International Journal of Innovative Computing, Information and Control 14 (1 …, 2018
Machine learning-based corporate social responsibility prediction
TT Teoh, QK Heng, JJ Chia, JM Shie, SW Liaw, M Yang, YY Nguwi
2019 IEEE International conference on cybernetics and intelligent systems …, 2019
Python for data analysis
TT Teoh, Z Rong
Artificial Intelligence with Python, 107-122, 2022
Analyst intuition inspired high velocity big data analysis using PCA ranked fuzzy k-means clustering with multi-layer perceptron (MLP) to obviate cyber security risk
TT Teoh, Y Zhang, YY Nguwi, Y Elovici, WL Ng
2017 13th international conference on natural computation, fuzzy systems and …, 2017
Autonomic computing in cloud resource management in Industry 4.0
T Choudhury, BK Dewangan, R Tomar, BK Singh, TT Toe, NG Nhu
Springer, 2021
Oral cancer detection using data mining tool
A Tetarbe, T Choudhury, TT Toe, S Rawat
2017 3rd International Conference on Applied and Theoretical Computing and …, 2017
Applying RNN and J48 deep learning in android cyber security space for threat analysis
TT Teoh, G Chiew, Y Jaddoo, H Michael, A Karunakaran, YJ Goh
2018 International Conference on Smart Computing and Electronic Enterprise …, 2018
Convolutional neural networks
TT Teoh, Z Rong
Artificial Intelligence with Python, 261-275, 2022
Wireless learning technology in higher education–A Case study in Singapore
A Bhati, A Lundberg, TT Toe, M Carter
GSTF Journal on Computing (JoC) 3, 1-7, 2013
Hidden markov model for hard-drive failure detection
TT Teoh, SY Cho, YY Nguwi
2012 7th International Conference on Computer Science & Education (ICCSE), 3-8, 2012
Human emotional states modeling by hidden markov model
TT Teoh, SY Cho
2011 Seventh International Conference on Natural Computation, 2011
ARM-FT Autonomic Randomized Cloudlet Management Through Fault Tolerance
BK Dewangan, T Choudhury, M Khurana, TT Toe
Workshop on Mining Data for Financial Applications, 331-339, 2022
GoogLeNet-based Diabetic-retinopathy-detection
B Shi, X Zhang, Z Wang, J Song, J Han, Z Zhang, TT Toe
2022 14th International Conference on Advanced Computational Intelligence …, 2022
Convolutional neural networks for medical applications
TT Teoh
Springer, 2023
Flower image classification based on improved convolutional neural network
G Yifei, Q Chuxian, X Jiexiang, M Yixuan, TT Toe
2022 12th International Conference on Information Technology in Medicine and …, 2022
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Articles 1–20