Rajesh Chitnis
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Cited by
Kernelization via sampling with applications to finding matchings and related problems in dynamic graph streams
R Chitnis, G Cormode, H Esfandiari, MT Hajiaghayi, A McGregor, ...
Proceedings of the twenty-seventh annual ACM-SIAM symposium on Discrete …, 2016
Designing FPT algorithms for cut problems using randomized contractions
R Chitnis, M Cygan, MT Hajiaghayi, M Pilipczuk, M Pilipczuk
SIAM Journal on Computing 45 (4), 1171-1229, 2016
Directed subset feedback vertex set is fixed-parameter tractable
R Chitnis, M Cygan, M Hajiaghayi, D Marx
ACM Transactions on Algorithms (TALG) 11 (4), 1-28, 2015
Fixed-parameter tractability of directed multiway cut parameterized by the size of the cutset
R Chitnis, MT Hajiaghayi, D Marx
SIAM Journal on Computing 42 (4), 1674-1696, 2013
Parameterized streaming: Maximal matching and vertex cover
R Chitnis, G Cormode, MT Hajiaghayi, M Monemizadeh
Proceedings of the twenty-sixth annual ACM-SIAM symposium on Discrete …, 2014
Fixed-parameter and approximation algorithms: A new look
R Chitnis, MT Hajiaghayi, G Kortsarz
International Symposium on Parameterized and Exact Computation, 110-122, 2013
Preventing unraveling in social networks gets harder
R Chitnis, F Fomin, P Golovach
Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence 27 (1), 1085-1091, 2013
Parameterized approximation algorithms for bidirected steiner network problems
R Chitnis, AE Feldmann, P Manurangsi
ACM Transactions on Algorithms (TALG) 17 (2), 1-68, 2021
Tight bounds for planar strongly connected Steiner subgraph with fixed number of terminals (and extensions)
RH Chitnis, AE Feldmann, MT Hajiaghayi, D Marx
SIAM Journal on Computing 49 (2), 318-364, 2020
List H-coloring a graph by removing few vertices
R Chitnis, L Egri, D Marx
Algorithmica 78 (1), 110-146, 2017
Parameterized complexity of the anchored k-core problem for directed graphs
R Chitnis, FV Fomin, PA Golovach
Information and Computation 247, 11-22, 2016
Can We Create Large k-Cores by Adding Few Edges?
R Chitnis, N Talmon
International Computer Science Symposium in Russia, 78-89, 2018
New Streaming Algorithms for Parameterized Maximal Matching & Beyond
R Chitnis, G Cormode, H Esfandiari, MT Hajiaghayi, M Monemizadeh
Proceedings of the 27th ACM symposium on Parallelism in Algorithms and …, 2015
Towards a theory of parameterized streaming algorithms
R Chitnis, G Cormode
arXiv preprint arXiv:1911.09650, 2019
List H-coloring a graph by removing few vertices
R Chitnis, L Egri, D Marx
European Symposium on Algorithms, 313-324, 2013
Algorithms and hardness results for nearest neighbor problems in bicolored point sets
S Banerjee, S Bhore, R Chitnis
LATIN 2018: Theoretical Informatics: 13th Latin American Symposium, Buenos …, 2018
Parameterized algorithms for boxicity
A Adiga, R Chitnis, S Saurabh
International Symposium on Algorithms and Computation, 366-377, 2010
Faster exact algorithms for some terminal set problems
R Chitnis, FV Fomin, D Lokshtanov, P Misra, MS Ramanujan, S Saurabh
Journal of Computer and System Sciences 88, 195-207, 2017
A tight algorithm for strongly connected Steiner subgraph on two terminals with demands
R Chitnis, H Esfandiari, MT Hajiaghayi, R Khandekar, G Kortsarz, ...
Algorithmica 77, 1216-1239, 2017
Parameterized complexity of problems in coalitional resource games
R Chitnis, MT Hajiaghayi, V Liaghat
Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence 25 (1), 620-625, 2011
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Articles 1–20