Sonja Dieterich
Sonja Dieterich
Professor, Medical Physics, UC Davis
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Measurement of in to
O Gayou, KA Aniol, T Averett, F Benmokhtar, W Bertozzi, L Bimbot, ...
Physical review letters 88 (9), 092301, 2002
Basic instrumentation for hall a at jefferson lab
J Alcorn, BD Anderson, KA Aniol, JRM Annand, L Auerbach, J Arrington, ...
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators …, 2004
Precision measurement of the neutron spin asymmetries and spin-dependent structure functions in the valence quark region
X Zheng, K Aniol, DS Armstrong, TD Averett, W Bertozzi, S Binet, E Burtin, ...
Physical Review C—Nuclear Physics 70 (6), 065207, 2004
Measurements of the elastic electromagnetic form factor ratio via polarization transfer
O Gayou, K Wijesooriya, A Afanasev, M Amarian, K Aniol, S Becher, ...
Physical review C 64 (3), 038202, 2001
Report of AAPM TG 135: quality assurance for robotic radiosurgery
S Dieterich, C Cavedon, CF Chuang, AB Cohen, JA Garrett, CL Lee, ...
Medical physics 38 (6Part1), 2914-2936, 2011
Final analysis of proton form factor ratio data at , 4.8, and 5.6 GeV
AJR Puckett, EJ Brash, O Gayou, MK Jones, L Pentchev, CF Perdrisat, ...
Physical Review C—Nuclear Physics 85 (4), 045203, 2012
CyberKnife stereotactic radiosurgical treatment of spinal tumors for pain control and quality of life
JW Degen, GJ Gagnon, JM Voyadzis, DA McRae, M Lunsden, S Dieterich, ...
Journal of Neurosurgery: Spine 2 (5), 540-549, 2005
Polarization transfer in the 4He (e→, e′ p→) 3H reaction
S Dieterich, P Bartsch, D Baumann, J Bermuth, K Bohinc, R Böhm, ...
Physics Letters B 500 (1-2), 47-52, 2001
Polarization Transfer in the Reaction up to
S Strauch, S Dieterich, KA Aniol, JRM Annand, OK Baker, W Bertozzi, ...
Physical review letters 91 (5), 052301, 2003
Image guided radiation therapy (IGRT) technologies for radiation therapy localization and delivery
J De Los Santos, R Popple, N Agazaryan, JE Bayouth, JP Bissonnette, ...
International Journal of Radiation Oncology* Biology* Physics 87 (1), 33-45, 2013
Geometric accuracy of a real-time target tracking system with dynamic multileaf collimator tracking system
PJ Keall, H Cattell, D Pokhrel, S Dieterich, KH Wong, MJ Murphy, ...
International Journal of Radiation Oncology* Biology* Physics 65 (5), 1579-1584, 2006
An analysis of thoracic and abdominal tumour motion for stereotactic body radiotherapy patients
Y Suh, S Dieterich, B Cho, PJ Keall
Physics in Medicine & Biology 53 (13), 3623, 2008
A dosimetric model of duodenal toxicity after stereotactic body radiotherapy for pancreatic cancer
JD Murphy, C Christman-Skieller, J Kim, S Dieterich, DT Chang, ...
International Journal of Radiation Oncology* Biology* Physics 78 (5), 1420-1426, 2010
Evolution of the Generalized Gerasimov-Drell-Hearn Integral <?format ?>for the Neutron using a Target
M Amarian, L Auerbach, T Averett, J Berthot, P Bertin, W Bertozzi, T Black, ...
Physical review letters 89 (24), 242301, 2002
Evolution of the Neutron Spin Structure Moments using a Target
M Amarian, L Auerbach, T Averett, J Berthot, P Bertin, B Bertozzi, T Black, ...
Physical review letters 92 (2), 022301, 2004
Comparative performance of linear and nonlinear neural networks to predict irregular breathing
MJ Murphy, S Dieterich
Physics in Medicine & Biology 51 (22), 5903, 2006
Experimental comparison of seven commercial dosimetry diodes for measurement of stereotactic radiosurgery cone factors
S Dieterich, GW Sherouse
Medical physics 38 (7), 4166-4173, 2011
Polarization measurements in high-energy deuteron photodisintegration
K Wijesooriya, A Afanasev, M Amarian, K Aniol, S Becher, K Benslama, ...
Physical review letters 86 (14), 2975, 2001
Radical stereotactic radiosurgery with real-time tumor motion tracking in the treatment of small peripheral lung tumors
BT Collins, K Erickson, CA Reichner, SP Collins, GJ Gagnon, S Dieterich, ...
Radiation Oncology 2, 1-7, 2007
Pancreatic tumor motion on a single planning 4D-CT does not correlate with intrafraction tumor motion during treatment
AY Minn, D Schellenberg, P Maxim, Y Suh, S McKenna, B Cox, ...
American journal of clinical oncology 32 (4), 364-368, 2009
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Articles 1–20