Lev Akselrud
Lev Akselrud
Dypartment of Inorganic Chemistry, Ivan Franko National University of Lviv
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WinCSD: software package for crystallographic calculations (Version 4)
L Akselrud, Y Grin
Journal of Applied Crystallography 47 (2), 803-805, 2014
CSD-universal program package for single crystal or powder structure data treatment
LG Akselrud, YN Grin, PY Zavalii, VK Pecharsky, VS Fundamenskii
12th European Crystallographic Meeting 3, 155, 1989
’, VK Pecharski, B. Baumgarther, E. Wölfel
LG Akselrud, PY Zavalij, YN Grin
Mater. Sci. Forum, 133-136, 1993
Use of the CSD program package for structure determination from powder data
LG Akselrud, PY Zavalii, YN Grin, VK Pecharski, B Baumgartner, E Wölfel
Materials Science Forum 133, 335-342, 1993
New layered compounds with the general composition (MO)(CuSe), where M= Bi, Nd, Gd, Dy, and BiOCuS: syntheses and crystal structure
AM Kusainova, PS Berdonosov, LG Akselrud, LN Kholodkovskaya, ...
Journal of Solid State Chemistry 112 (1), 189-191, 1994
The crystal structure of NdGaO3 at 100 K and 293 K based on synchrotron data
L Vasylechko, L Akselrud, W Morgenroth, U Bismayer, A Matkovskii, ...
Journal of alloys and compounds 297 (1-2), 46-52, 2000
Metallic state in cubic FeGe beyond its quantum phase transition
P Pedrazzini, H Wilhelm, D Jaccard, T Jarlborg, M Schmidt, M Hanfland, ...
Physical review letters 98 (4), 047204, 2007
New Monoclinic Phase at the Composition Cu2SnSe3 and Its Thermoelectric Properties
J Fan, W Carrillo-Cabrera, L Akselrud, I Antonyshyn, L Chen, Y Grin
Inorganic chemistry 52 (19), 11067-11074, 2013
Powder X-ray and IR studies of the new oxyselenides MOCuSe (M= Bi, Gd, Dy)
PS Berdonosov, AM Kusainova, LN Kholodkovskaya, VA Dolgikh, ...
Journal of Solid State Chemistry 118 (1), 74-77, 1995
α-and β-Na2 [BH4][NH2]: Two modifications of a complex hydride in the system NaNH2–NaBH4; syntheses, crystal structures, thermal analyses, mass and vibrational spectra
M Somer, S Acar, C Koz, I Kokal, P Höhn, R Cardoso-Gil, U Aydemir, ...
Journal of alloys and compounds 491 (1-2), 98-105, 2010
New Layered Phases of the MOCuX (M = Ln, Bi; X = S, Se, Te) Family: A Geometric Approach to the Explanation of Phase Stability
ALG Popovkin B.A., Kusainova A.M., Dolgikh V.A.
Russian Journal of Inorganic Chemistry 43 (10), 1471 - 1475, 1998
High‐Pressure NiAs‐Type Modification of FeN
WP Clark, S Steinberg, R Dronskowski, C McCammon, I Kupenko, ...
Angewandte Chemie International Edition 56 (25), 7302-7306, 2017
Unusual effects on hydrogenation: anomalous expansion and volume contraction
VA Yartys, O Isnard, AB Riabov, LG Akselrud
Journal of alloys and compounds 356, 109-113, 2003
Crystal structure of ternary germanides RFe6Ge6(R -- Sc, Ti, Zr, Hf, Nd) and RCo6Ge6(R= Ti, Zr, Hf)
RR Olenich, LG Aksel'rud, YR Yarmolyuk
Dopovidi Akademii Nauk Ukrains' koj RSR. Seriya A, Fiziko-Tekhnichni ta …, 1981
Structure and stability of the modulated phase Sb-II
U Schwarz, L Akselrud, H Rosner, A Ormeci, Y Grin, M Hanfland
Physical Review B 67 (21), 214101, 2003
Microstructure, crystal structure and electrical properties of Cu0. 1Ni0. 8Co0. 2Mn1. 9O4 ceramics obtained at different sintering conditions
O Bodak, L Akselrud, P Demchenko, B Kotur, O Mrooz, I Hadzaman, ...
Journal of alloys and compounds 347 (1-2), 14-23, 2002
BaGe5: A New Type of Intermetallic Clathrate
U Aydemir, L Akselrud, W Carrillo-Cabrera, C Candolfi, N Oeschler, ...
Journal of the American Chemical Society 132 (32), 10984-10985, 2010
Grin Yu. N., Zavalii P. Yu., Pecharsky VK, Fundamenskii VS CSD–universal program package for single crystal or powder structure data treatment
LG Akselrud
Coll. Abstr 12, 155, 1989
Ca 3 Pt 4+ x Ge 13− y and Yb 3 Pt 4 Ge 13: new derivatives of the Pr 3 Rh 4 Sn 13 structure type
R Gumeniuk, L Akselrud, KO Kvashnina, W Schnelle, AA Tsirlin, C Curfs, ...
Dalton Transactions 41 (20), 6299-6309, 2012
’, P. Yu. Zavalij, VK Pecharsky, VS Fundamensky
LG Akselrud, YN Grin
Collected Abstracts of the 12th European Crystallographic Meeting 3, 155, 1989
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Articles 1–20