Abdel Latif Elshafei
Abdel Latif Elshafei
Faculty of Engineering - Cairo University
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Adaptive fuzzy control of the inverted pendulum problem
MI El-Hawwary, AL Elshafei, HM Emara, HAA Fattah
IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology 14 (6), 1135-1144, 2006
Damping inter-area modes of oscillation using an adaptive fuzzy power system stabilizer
T Hussein, MS Saad, AL Elshafei, A Bahgat
Electric Power Systems Research 80 (12), 1428-1436, 2010
Wind-turbine collective-pitch control via a fuzzy predictive algorithm
A Lasheen, AL Elshafei
Renewable energy 87, 298-306, 2016
A variable-structure adaptive fuzzy-logic stabilizer for single and multi-machine power systems
AL Elshafei, KA El-Metwally, AA Shaltout
Control Engineering Practice 13 (4), 413-423, 2005
Robust power system stabiliser
HM Soliman, AL Elshafei, AA Shaltout, MF Morsi
IEE Proceedings-Generation, Transmission and Distribution 147 (5), 285-291, 2000
A robust LMI-based pitch controller for large wind turbines
HM Hassan, AL ElShafei, WA Farag, MS Saad
Renewable energy 44, 63-71, 2012
Robust decentralized PID-based power system stabilizer design using an ILMI approach
M Soliman, AL Elshafei, F Bendary, W Mansour
Electric Power Systems Research 80 (12), 1488-1497, 2010
Adaptive predictive control of systems with time‐varying time delay
GA Dumont, A Elnaggar, A Elshafei
International Journal of Adaptive Control and Signal Processing 7 (2), 91-101, 1993
LMI static output-feedback design of fuzzy power system stabilizers
M Soliman, AL Elshafei, F Bendary, W Mansour
Expert Systems with Applications 36 (3), 6817-6825, 2009
Recursive estimation for system of unknown delay
A Elnaggar, GA Dumont, AL Elshafei
Proceedings of the 28th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control,, 1809-1810, 1989
Design of a hierarchical fuzzy logic PSS for a multi-machine power system
T Hussein, AL Elshafei, A Bahgat
2007 Mediterranean Conference on Control & Automation, 1-6, 2007
LMI based design of constrained fuzzy predictive control
M Khairy, AL Elshafei, HM Emara
Fuzzy Sets and Systems 161 (6), 893-918, 2010
Evaluation of fuzzy-based maximum power-tracking in wind energy conversion systems
M Azzouz, AL Elshafei, H Emara
IET renewable power generation 5 (6), 422-430, 2011
Robust adaptive fuzzy logic power system stabilizer
T Hussein, MS Saad, AL Elshafei, A Bahgat
Expert Systems with Applications 36 (10), 12104-12112, 2009
Adaptive GPC based on Laguerre-filters modelling
AL Elshafei, GA Dumont, A Elnaggar
Automatica 30 (12), 1913-1920, 1994
Delay estimation using variable regression
A Elnaggar, GA Dumont, AL Elshafei
1991 American Control Conference, 2812-2817, 1991
A robust power-system stabilizer design using swarm optimization
HMS Khaled A El-Metwally, Abel Latif Elshafei
International Journal of Modelling, Identification, and Contol 1 (4), 263-271, 2006
New method for delay estimation
A Elnaggar, GA Dumont, AL Elshafei
29th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, 1629-1630, 1990
Continuous-time tube-based explicit model predictive control for collective pitching of wind turbines
A Lasheen, MS Saad, HM Emara, AL Elshafei
Energy 118, 1222-1233, 2017
Maximum power tracking in WECS (Wind energy conversion systems) via numerical and stochastic approaches
M Elnaggar, HAA Fattah, AL Elshafei
Energy 74, 651-661, 2014
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Articles 1–20