Adam R Aron
Adam R Aron
Professor, UC San Diego
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Inhibition and the right inferior frontal cortex
AR Aron, TW Robbins, RA Poldrack
Trends in cognitive sciences 8 (4), 170-177, 2004
Inhibition and the right inferior frontal cortex: one decade on
AR Aron, TW Robbins, RA Poldrack
Trends in cognitive sciences 18 (4), 177-185, 2014
Stop-signal inhibition disrupted by damage to right inferior frontal gyrus in humans
AR Aron, PC Fletcher, ET Bullmore, BJ Sahakian, TW Robbins
Nature neuroscience 6 (2), 115-116, 2003
Cortical and subcortical contributions to stop signal response inhibition: role of the subthalamic nucleus
AR Aron, RA Poldrack
Journal of Neuroscience 26 (9), 2424-2433, 2006
From reactive to proactive and selective control: developing a richer model for stopping inappropriate responses
AR Aron
Biological psychiatry 69 (12), e55-e68, 2011
The neural basis of inhibition in cognitive control
AR Aron
The neuroscientist 13 (3), 214-228, 2007
Triangulating a cognitive control network using diffusion-weighted magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and functional MRI
AR Aron, TE Behrens, S Smith, MJ Frank, RA Poldrack
Journal of Neuroscience 27 (14), 3743-3752, 2007
A consensus guide to capturing the ability to inhibit actions and impulsive behaviors in the stop-signal task
F Verbruggen, AR Aron, GP Band, C Beste, PG Bissett, AT Brockett, ...
elife 8, e46323, 2019
The cognitive neuroscience of response inhibition: relevance for genetic research in attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder
AR Aron, RA Poldrack
Biological psychiatry 57 (11), 1285-1292, 2005
Converging evidence for a fronto-basal-ganglia network for inhibitory control of action and cognition
AR Aron, S Durston, DM Eagle, GD Logan, CM Stinear, V Stuphorn
Journal of Neuroscience 27 (44), 11860-11864, 2007
Cognitive enhancing effects of modafinil in healthy volunteers
DC Turner, TW Robbins, L Clark, AR Aron, J Dowson, BJ Sahakian
Psychopharmacology 165, 260-269, 2003
Intracranial EEG reveals a time-and frequency-specific role for the right inferior frontal gyrus and primary motor cortex in stopping initiated responses
N Swann, N Tandon, R Canolty, TM Ellmore, LK McEvoy, S Dreyer, ...
Journal of Neuroscience 29 (40), 12675-12685, 2009
Roles for the pre-supplementary motor area and the right inferior frontal gyrus in stopping action: electrophysiological responses and functional and structural connectivity
NC Swann, W Cai, CR Conner, TA Pieters, MP Claffey, JS George, ...
Neuroimage 59 (3), 2860-2870, 2012
A componential analysis of task‐switching deficits associated with lesions of left and right frontal cortex
AR Aron, S Monsell, BJ Sahakian, TW Robbins
Brain 127 (7), 1561-1573, 2004
Deficits in response inhibition associated with chronic methamphetamine abuse
JR Monterosso, AR Aron, X Cordova, J Xu, ED London
Drug and alcohol dependence 79 (2), 273-277, 2005
Methylphenidate improves response inhibition in adults with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder
AR Aron, JH Dowson, BJ Sahakian, TW Robbins
Biological psychiatry 54 (12), 1465-1468, 2003
On the globality of motor suppression: unexpected events and their influence on behavior and cognition
JR Wessel, AR Aron
Neuron 93 (2), 259-280, 2017
Theta burst stimulation dissociates attention and action updating in human inferior frontal cortex
F Verbruggen, AR Aron, MA Stevens, CD Chambers
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 107 (31), 13966-13971, 2010
Human midbrain sensitivity to cognitive feedback and uncertainty during classification learning
AR Aron, D Shohamy, J Clark, C Myers, MA Gluck, RA Poldrack
Journal of neurophysiology 92 (2), 1144-1152, 2004
Common neural substrates for inhibition of spoken and manual responses
G Xue, AR Aron, RA Poldrack
Cerebral cortex 18 (8), 1923-1932, 2008
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Articles 1–20