Veljko Potkonjak
Veljko Potkonjak
Professor of Robotics, Metropolitan Univarsity, Belgrade
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Cited by
Virtual laboratories for education in science, technology, and engineering: A review
V Potkonjak, M Gardner, V Callaghan, P Mattila, C Guetl, VM Petrović, ...
Computers & Education 95, 309-327, 2016
Dynamics of Manipulation Robots Theory and Application
M Vukobratovic, V Potkonjak
Springer-Verlag, 1982
ZMP: A review of some basic misunderstandings
M Vukobratović, B Borovac, V Potkonjak
International Journal of Humanoid Robotics 3 (02), 153-175, 2006
Applied dynamics and CAD of manipulation robots
M Vukobratovic, V Potkonjak
Springer Science & Business Media, 2013
How far away is" artificial man"
T Fukuda, R Michelini, V Potkonjak, S Tzafestas, K Valavanis, ...
IEEE Robotics & Automation Magazine 8 (1), 66-73, 2001
Virtual Mechatronic/Robotic laboratory–A step further in distance learning
V Potkonjak, M Vukobratović, K Jovanović, M Medenica
Computers & Education 55 (2), 465-475, 2010
Toward anthropomimetic robotics: development, simulation, and control of a musculoskeletal torso
S Wittmeier, C Alessandro, N Bascarevic, K Dalamagkidis, D Devereux, ...
Artificial life 19 (1), 171-193, 2013
Dynamics of contact tasks in robotics. Part I: general model of robot interacting with environment
MK Vukobratović, V Potkonjak
Mechanism and machine theory 34 (6), 923-942, 1999
Redundancy problem in writing: From human to anthropomorphic robot arm
V Potkonjak, M Popovic, M Lazarevic, J Sinanovic
IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part B (Cybernetics) 28 …, 1998
The puller-follower control of compliant and noncompliant antagonistic tendon drives in robotic systems
V Potkonjak, B Svetozarevic, K Jovanovic, O Holland
International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems 8 (5), 69, 2011
Simulation model of general human and humanoid motion
M Vukobratović, V Potkonjak, K Babković, B Borovac
Multibody System Dynamics 17, 71-96, 2007
Towards a unified understanding of basic notions and terms in humanoid robotics
M Vukobratović, B Borovac, V Potkonjak
Robotica 25 (1), 87-101, 2007
Dynamics of Robots with Contact Tasks
M Vukobratovic, V Potkonjak, V Matijevic
Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2003
Contribution of the forming of computer methods for automatic modelling of spatial mechanisms motions
M Vukobratović, V Potkonjak
Mechanism and Machine Theory 14 (3), 179-188, 1979
Human-like behavior of robot arms: General considerations and the handwriting task—Part I: Mathematical description of human-like motion: Distributed positioning and virtual …
V Potkonjak, S Tzafestas, D Kostic, G Djordjevic
Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing 17 (4), 305-315, 2001
Contribution to computer construction of active chain models via Lagrangian form
M Vukobratovic, V Potkonjak
Dynamics of anthropomorphic painting robot: Quality analysis and cost reduction
V Potkonjak, GS Đorđević, D Kostić, M Rašić
Robotics and Autonomous Systems 32 (1), 17-38, 2000
Human and humanoid dynamics
M Vukobratovic, V Potkonjak, S Tzafestas
Journal of Intelligent and Robotic Systems 41, 65-84, 2004
Biological principles of control selection for a humanoid robot's dynamic balance preservation
M VUKOBRATOVIĆ, HM Herr, B Borovac, M RAKOVIĆ, M Popovic, ...
International Journal of Humanoid Robotics 5 (04), 639-678, 2008
Quantitative assessment of the arm/hand movements in Parkinson’s disease using a wireless armband device
S Spasojević, TV Ilić, I Stojković, V Potkonjak, A Rodić, J Santos-Victor
Frontiers in neurology 8, 388, 2017
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Articles 1–20