Ismail Enes Uysal
Ismail Enes Uysal
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MOT solution of the PMCHWT equation for analyzing transient scattering from conductive dielectrics
IE Uysal, HA Ülkü, H Bağcı
IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters 14, 507-510, 2015
Transient analysis of electromagnetic wave interactions on plasmonic nanostructures using a surface integral equation solver
IE Uysal, HA Ülkü, H Bağci
JOSA A 33 (9), 1747-1759, 2016
Analysis of electromagnetic wave interactions on graphene sheets using time domain integral equations
Y Shi, IE Uysal, P Li, HA Ulku, H Bagci
2015 31st International Review of Progress in Applied Computational …, 2015
Quantum-corrected transient analysis of plasmonic nanostructures
IE Uysal, HA Ulku, M Sajjad, N Singh, U Schwingenschlögl, H Bagci
Optics Express 25 (6), 5891-5908, 2017
An MOT-TDIE solver for analyzing transient fields on graphene-based devices
Y Shi, P Li, IE Uysal, HA Ulku, H Bagci
2016 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation (APSURSI …, 2016
Quantum-corrected plasmonic field analysis using a time domain PMCHWT integral equation
IE Uysal, HA Ulku, H Bagci
2016 IEEE/ACES International Conference on Wireless Information Technology …, 2016
Analysis of transient electromagnetic wave interactions on graphene-based devices using integral equations
Y Shi, IE Uysal, P Li, HA Ulku, H Bagci
2015 USNC-URSI Radio Science Meeting (Joint with AP-S Symposium), 114-114, 2015
Transient analysis of plasmonic nanostructures using an MOT-PMCHWT solver
IE Uysal, HA Ulku, H Bagci
2015 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation & USNC/URSI …, 2015
Electron energy loss spectroscopy simulation by a frequency domain surface integral equation solver
IE Uysal
Turkish Journal of Electrical Engineering & Computer Sciences 27 (1), 58-65, 2019
A volume integral equation solver for quantum-corrected transient analysis of scattering from plasmonic nanostructures
SB Sayed, IE Uysal, H Bagci, HA Ulku
2018 International Applied Computational Electromagnetics Society Symposium …, 2018
Scattering analysis of silver nanoparticles for solar cell applications using integral equations
IE Uysal, HA Ulku, H Bagci, O Gulseren
2018 International Applied Computational Electromagnetics Society Symposium …, 2018
On the initial condition problem of the time domain PMCHWT surface integral equation
IE Uysal, H Bagci, AA Ergin, HA Ulku
Applied Computational Electromagnetics Society Symposium-Italy (ACES), 2017 …, 2017
Time Domain Surface Integral Equation Solvers for Quantum Corrected Electromagnetic Analysis of Plasmonic Nanostructures
IE Uysal
King Abdullah University of Science and Technology, 2016
Analysis of transient electromagnetic interactions on nanodevices using a quantum corrected integral equation approach
IE Uysal, HA Ulku, H Bagci
Radio Science Meeting (Joint with AP-S Symposium), 2015 USNC-URSI, 108-108, 2015
Computation of Electromagnetic Fields Scattered From Dielectric Objects of Uncertain Shapes Using MLMC
A Litvinenko, AL Haji Ali, IE Uysal, HA Ulku, R Tempone, H Bagci, ...
Analysis of transient plasmonic interactions using an MOT-PMCHWT integral equation solver
IE Uysal, HA Ülkü, H Bağcı
2014 USNC-URSI Radio Science Meeting (Joint with AP-S Symposium), 128-128, 2014
A PMCHWT Surface Integral Equation Solver for Analyzing Transient Plasmonic Interactions
IE Uysal, HA Ulkü, H Bagcı
Session 1P11 SC1: Computational Electromagnetics, 377, 0
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Articles 1–17