S. Sandeep Pradhan
Cited by
Cited by
Distributed source coding using syndromes (DISCUS): Design and construction
SS Pradhan, K Ramchandran
IEEE transactions on information theory 49 (3), 626-643, 2003
Distributed compression in a dense microsensor network
SS Pradhan, J Kusuma, K Ramchandran
IEEE Signal Processing Magazine 19 (2), 51-60, 2002
Duality between source coding and channel coding and its extension to the side information case
SS Pradhan, J Chou, K Ramchandran
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 49 (5), 1181-1203, 2003
Distributed source coding: Symmetric rates and applications to sensor networks
SS Pradhan, K Ramchandran
Proceedings DCC 2000. Data Compression Conference, 363-372, 2000
A new approach to subband adaptive filtering
SS Pradham, VU Reddy
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 47 (3), 655-664, 1999
On rate-constrained distributed estimation in unreliable sensor networks
P Ishwar, R Puri, K Ramchandran, SS Pradhan
Selected Areas in Communications, IEEE Journal on 23 (4), 765-775, 2005
Distributed code constructions for the entire Slepian-Wolf rate region for arbitrarily correlated sources
D Schonberg, K Ramchandran, SS Pradhan
Data Compression Conference, 2004. Proceedings. DCC 2004, 292-301, 2004
Lattices for distributed source coding: Jointly Gaussian sources and reconstruction of a linear function
D Krithivasan, SS Pradhan
Information Theory, IEEE Transactions on 55 (12), 5628-5651, 2009
n-channel symmetric multiple descriptions-part I:(n, k) source-channel erasure codes
SS Pradhan, R Puri, K Ramchandran
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 50 (1), 47-61, 2004
n-channel symmetric multiple descriptions-part II: An achievable rate-distortion region
R Puri, SS Pradhan, K Ramchandran
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 51 (4), 1377-1392, 2005
Distributed Source Coding Using Abelian Group Codes: A New Achievable Rate-Distortion Region
D Krithivasan, SS Pradhan
Information Theory, IEEE Transactions on 57 (3), 1495-1519, 2011
Robust optimization solution to the data hiding problem using distributed source coding principles
JC Chou, SS Pradhan, L El Ghaoui, K Ramchandran
Image and Video Communications and Processing 2000 3974, 270-279, 2000
Source coding with feed-forward: Rate-distortion theorems and error exponents for a general source
R Venkataramanan, SS Pradhan
IEEE transactions on Information Theory 53 (6), 2154-2179, 2007
Multilevel polarization of polar codes over arbitrary discrete memoryless channels
AG Sahebi, SS Pradhan
2011 49th Annual Allerton Conference on Communication, Control, and …, 2011
LDPC codes can approach the Slepian Wolf bound for general binary sources
D Schonberg
Proc. 40th Annu. Allerton Conf. Communication, Control, and Computing, 2002 …, 2002
Enhancing analog image transmission systems using digital side information: A new wavelet-based image coding paradigm
SS Pradhan, K Ramchandran
Proceedings DCC 2001. Data Compression Conference, 63-72, 2001
Turbo and trellis-based constructions for source coding with side information
J Chou, SS Pradhan, K Ramchandran
Data Compression Conference, 2003. Proceedings. DCC 2003, 33-42, 2003
Error exponent for multiple-access channels: Lower bounds
A Nazari, A Anastasopoulos, SS Pradhan
arXiv preprint arXiv:1010.1303, 2010
Error exponent regions for Gaussian broadcast and multiple-access channels
L Weng, SS Pradhan, A Anastasopoulos
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 54 (7), 2919-2942, 2008
A robust blind watermarking scheme based on distributed source coding principles
J Chou, S Pradhan, K Ramchandran
Proceedings of the eighth ACM international conference on Multimedia, 49-56, 2000
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Articles 1–20