Heyang (Thomas) Li
Heyang (Thomas) Li
Senior Lecturer, School of Mathematics and Statistics, University of Canterbury
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Cited by
Branch lengths on birth–death trees and the expected loss of phylogenetic diversity
A Mooers, O Gascuel, T Stadler, H Li, M Steel
Systematic biology 61 (2), 195-203, 2012
Space-filling X-ray source trajectories for efficient scanning in large-angle cone-beam computed tomography
AM Kingston, GR Myers, SJ Latham, B Recur, H Li, AP Sheppard
IEEE Transactions on Computational Imaging 4 (3), 447-458, 2018
3D lidar point-cloud projection operator and transfer machine learning for effective road surface features detection and segmentation
HT Li, Z Todd, N Bielski, F Carroll
The Visual Computer 38 (5), 1759-1774, 2022
Single-shot x-ray speckle-based imaging of a single-material object
KM Pavlov, H Li, DM Paganin, S Berujon, H Rougé-Labriet, E Brun
Physical Review Applied 13 (5), 054023, 2020
X-ray multi-modal intrinsic-speckle-tracking
KM Pavlov, DM Paganin, HT Li, S Berujon, H Rougé-Labriet, E Brun
Journal of Optics 22 (12), 125604, 2020
Anti-Ageing Effect of Physalis alkekengi Ethyl Acetate Layer on a d-galactose-Induced Mouse Model through the Reduction of Cellular Senescence and Oxidative …
K Sun, Y Sun, H Li, D Han, Y Bai, R Zhao, Z Guo
International Journal of Molecular Sciences 21 (5), 1836, 2020
Rapidly converging multigrid reconstruction of cone-beam tomographic data
GR Myers, AM Kingston, SJ Latham, B Recur, T Li, ML Turner, L Beeching, ...
Developments in X-Ray tomography X 9967, 59-65, 2016
Hydrofluoric acid–based etching effect on surface pit, crack, and scratch and laser damage site of fused silica optics
T Liu, K Yang, Z Zhang, L Yan, B Huang, H Li, C Zhang, X Jiang, H Yan
Optics Express 27 (8), 10705-10728, 2019
Directional dark-field implicit x-ray speckle tracking using an anisotropic-diffusion Fokker-Planck equation
KM Pavlov, DM Paganin, KS Morgan, H Li, S Berujon, L Quénot, E Brun
Physical Review A 104 (5), 053505, 2021
Dark-field tomography of an attenuating object using intrinsic x-ray speckle tracking
SJ Alloo, DM Paganin, KS Morgan, MJ Kitchen, AW Stevenson, SC Mayo, ...
Journal of Medical Imaging 9 (3), 031502-031502, 2022
Linear iterative near-field phase retrieval (LIPR) for dual-energy x-ray imaging and material discrimination
H Li, A Kingston, G Myers, L Beeching, A Sheppard
Journal of the Optical Society of America A 35 (1), A30, 2018
Optimized x-ray source scanning trajectories for iterative reconstruction in high cone-angle tomography
AM Kingston, GR Myers, SJ Latham, H Li, JP Veldkamp, AP Sheppard
Developments in X-ray tomography X 9967, 47-57, 2016
3d x-ray source deblurring in high cone-angle micro-ct
H Li, A Kingston, G Myers, B Recur, A Sheppard
IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science 62 (5), 2075-2084, 2015
Fourier Inversion of the Mojette transform
A Kingston, H Li, N Normand, I Svalbe
Int. Conf. on Discrete Geometry for Computer Imagery (DGCI) 18, 2014
Quantitative material decomposition using linear iterative near-field phase retrieval dual-energy x-ray imaging
HT Li, F Schaff, LCP Croton, KS Morgan, MJ Kitchen
Physics in Medicine & Biology 65 (18), 185014, 2020
Quantifying the accuracy of ancestral state prediction in a phylogenetic tree under maximum parsimony
L Herbst, H Li, M Steel
Journal of Mathematical Biology 78 (6), 1953-1979, 2019
Acquisition and processing of data in a tomographic imaging apparatus
A Kingston, S Latham, A Sheppard, G Myers, B Recur, H Li, TK Varslot
US Patent 10,254,419, 2019
Data processing in a tomographic imaging apparatus
A Kingston, S Latham, A Sheppard, G Myers, B Recur, H Li
US Patent 10,078,057, 2018
Shallow U-Net deep learning approach for phase retrieval in propagation-based phase-contrast Imaging
SZ Li, MG French, KM Pavlov, HT Li
Developments in X-Ray Tomography XIV 12242, 393-404, 2022
Equirectangular image data detection, segmentation and classification of varying sized traffic signs: a comparison of deep learning methods
H Li, Z Todd, N Bielski
Sensors 23 (7), 3381, 2023
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Articles 1–20