Hugo Gravato Marques
Hugo Gravato Marques
Champalimaud Foundation
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Cited by
Body schema in robotics: a review
M Hoffmann, H Marques, A Arieta, H Sumioka, M Lungarella, R Pfeifer
IEEE Transactions on Autonomous Mental Development 2 (4), 304-324, 2010
A quantitative framework for whole-body coordination reveals specific deficits in freely walking ataxic mice
AS Machado, DM Darmohray, J Fayad, HG Marques, MR Carey
Elife 4, e07892, 2015
Twitching in sensorimotor development from sleeping rats to robots
MS Blumberg, HG Marques, F Iida
Current Biology 23 (12), R532-R537, 2013
ECCE1: The first of a series of anthropomimetic musculoskeletal upper torsos
HG Marques, M Jäntsch, S Wittmeier, O Holland, C Alessandro, ...
2010 10th IEEE-RAS International Conference on Humanoid Robots, 391-396, 2010
Spatial and temporal locomotor learning in mouse cerebellum
DM Darmohray, JR Jacobs, HG Marques, MR Carey
Neuron 102 (1), 217-231. e4, 2019
Toward anthropomimetic robotics: development, simulation, and control of a musculoskeletal torso
S Wittmeier, C Alessandro, N Bascarevic, K Dalamagkidis, D Devereux, ...
Artificial life 19 (1), 171-193, 2013
Architectures for functional imagination
HG Marques, O Holland
Neurocomputing 72 (4-6), 743-759, 2009
Soft robotics: the next generation of intelligent machines
R Pfeifer, H Marques, F Iida
AAAi Press, 2013
From spontaneous motor activity to coordinated behaviour: a developmental model
HG Marques, A Bharadwaj, F Iida
PLoS Comput Biol 10 (7), e1003653, 2014
Self-organization of reflexive behavior from spontaneous motor activity
HG Marques, F Imtiaz, F Iida, R Pfeifer
Biological cybernetics 107 (1), 25-37, 2013
Caliper: A universal robot simulation framework for tendon-driven robots
S Wittmeier, M Jäntsch, K Dalamagkidis, M Rickert, HG Marques, A Knoll
2011 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems …, 2011
Shared and specific signatures of locomotor ataxia in mutant mice
AS Machado, HG Marques, DF Duarte, DM Darmohray, MR Carey
bioRxiv, 2020
Fc portugal 3d simulation team: Architecture, low-level skills and team behaviour optimized for the new robocup 3d simulator
H Marques, N Lau, LP Reis
Proc. Scientific Meeting of the Portuguese Robotics Open, 31-37, 2004
MYOROBOTICS: A modular toolkit for legged locomotion research using musculoskeletal designs
HG Marques, C Maufroy, A Lenz, K Dalamagkidis, U Culha
6th International Symposium on Adaptive Motion of Animals and Machines (AMAM …, 2013
Controlling an anthropomimetic robot: A preliminary investigation
HG Marques, R Newcombe, O Holland
European Conference on Artificial Life, 736-745, 2007
Sensorless but not senseless: Prediction in evolutionary car racing
H Marques, J Togelius, M Kogutowska, O Holland, SM Lucas
2007 IEEE Symposium on Artificial Life, 370-377, 2007
Synthesising a motor-primitive inspired control architecture for redundant compliant robots
N Kuppuswamy, HG Marques, H Hauser
International Conference on Simulation of Adaptive Behavior, 96-105, 2012
Self-organisation of motion features with a temporal asynchronous dynamic vision sensor
F Koeth, HG Marques, T Delbruck
Biologically Inspired Cognitive Architectures 6, 8-11, 2013
Real and apparent biological inspiration in cognitive architectures
O Holland, A Diamond, HG Marques, B Mitra, D Devereux
Biologically Inspired Cognitive Architectures 3, 105-116, 2013
Functional embodied imagination and episodic memory
O Holland, HG Marques
International Journal of Machine Consciousness 2 (02), 245-259, 2010
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Articles 1–20