Renato B. Pontes
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Cited by
Free-standing bilayer silicene: the effect of stacking order on the structural, electronic, and transport properties
JE Padilha, RB Pontes
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 119 (7), 3818-3825, 2015
Metal chalcogenides Janus monolayers for efficient hydrogen generation by photocatalytic water splitting
R da Silva, R Barbosa, RR Mancano, N Duraes, RB Pontes, RH Miwa, ...
ACS Applied Nano Materials 2 (2), 890-897, 2019
Ab Initio Calculations of Structural Evolution and Conductance of Benzene-1,4-dithiol on Gold Leads
RB Pontes, AR Rocha, S Sanvito, A Fazzio, AJR da Silva
ACS nano 5 (2), 795-804, 2011
Adsorption of benzene-1, 4-dithiol on the Au (111) surface and its possible role in molecular conductance
RB Pontes, FD Novaes, A Fazzio, AJR da Silva
Journal of the American Chemical Society 128 (28), 8996-8997, 2006
Barrier-free substitutional doping of graphene sheets with boron atoms: Ab initio calculations
RB Pontes, A Fazzio, GM Dalpian
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 79 (3), 033412, 2009
Formation of atomic carbon chains from graphene nanoribbons
E Hobi Jr, RB Pontes, A Fazzio, AJR da Silva
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 81 (20), 201406, 2010
Electronic and transport properties of structural defects in monolayer germanene: an ab initio investigation
JE Padilha, RB Pontes
Solid State Communications 225, 38-43, 2016
Layer-dependent band alignment of few layers of blue phosphorus and their van der Waals heterostructures with graphene
RB Pontes, RH Miwa, AJR da Silva, A Fazzio, JE Padilha
Physical Review B 97 (23), 235419, 2018
Stretching of BDT-gold molecular junctions: thiol or thiolate termination?
A de Melo Souza, I Rungger, RB Pontes, AR Rocha, AJR Da Silva, ...
Nanoscale 6 (23), 14495-14507, 2014
Bilayer graphene on h-BN substrate: investigating the breakdown voltage and tuning the bandgap by electric field
JE Padilha, RB Pontes, A Fazzio
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 24 (7), 075301, 2012
A first-principles study of the interaction of doxorubicin with graphene
MZ Tonel, MO Martins, I Zanella, RB Pontes, SB Fagan
Computational and Theoretical Chemistry 1115, 270-275, 2017
Quantum spin Hall effect in a disordered hexagonal SiGe alloy
JE Padilha, L Seixas, RB Pontes, AJR da Silva, A Fazzio
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 88 (20), 201106, 2013
Symmetry controlled spin polarized conductance in au nanowires
RB Pontes, EZ Silva, A Fazzio, AJR Silva
Journal of the American Chemical Society 130 (30), 9897-9903, 2008
A new class of large band gap quantum spin hall insulators: 2D fluorinated group-IV binary compounds
JE Padilha, RB Pontes, TM Schmidt, RH Miwa, A Fazzio
Scientific reports 6 (1), 26123, 2016
Graphene nanoribbon intercalated with hexagonal boron nitride: Electronic transport properties from ab initio calculations
JE Padilha, RB Pontes, AJR da Silva, A Fazzio
Solid state communications 173, 24-29, 2013
IxV curves of boron and nitrogen doping zigzag graphene nanoribbons
JE Padilha, RB Pontes, AJR Da Silva, A Fazzio
International Journal of Quantum Chemistry 111 (7‐8), 1379-1386, 2011
Tuning the thermoelectric properties of a single-molecule junction by mechanical stretching
A Torres, RB Pontes, AJR da Silva, A Fazzio
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 17 (7), 5386-5392, 2015
Graphene on the oxidized SiC surface and the impact of the metal intercalation
JE Padilha, RB Pontes, FC de Lima, R Kagimura, RH Miwa
Carbon 145, 603-613, 2019
Electronic and optical properties of hydrogenated group-IV multilayer materials
RB Pontes, RR Mançano, R da Silva, LF Cótica, RH Miwa, JE Padilha
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 20 (12), 8112-8118, 2018
Assessing the structure and first hyperpolarizability of Li@ B 10 H 14 in solution: a sequential QM/MM study using the ASEC–FEG method
I Brandão, TL Fonseca, HC Georg, MA Castro, RB Pontes
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 22 (30), 17314-17324, 2020
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Articles 1–20