Bruno Gomes Coelho
Bruno Gomes Coelho
PhD student, New York University
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Cited by
Global-liar: Factuality of llms over time and geographic regions
S Mirza, B Coelho, Y Cui, C Pöpper, D McCoy
arXiv preprint arXiv:2401.17839, 2024
Optimal team economic decisions in counter-strike
P Xenopoulos, B Coelho, C Silva
arXiv preprint arXiv:2109.12990, 2021
Propaganda política pagada: Exploring us political facebook ads en español
B Coelho, T Lauinger, L Edelson, I Goldstein, D McCoy
Proceedings of the ACM Web Conference 2023, 2742-2753, 2023
A new multi-filter framework with statistical dense SIFT descriptor for spoofing detection in fingerprint authentication systems
RC Contreras, LG Nonato, M Boaventura, IAG Boaventura, BG Coelho, ...
International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing, 442-455, 2021
NE-Motion: Visual analysis of stroke patients using motion sensor networks
RC Contreras, A Parnandi, BG Coelho, C Silva, H Schambra, LG Nonato
Sensors 21 (13), 4482, 2021
Optimizing classifier parameters for insect datasets
B Coelho, A Maletzke, G Batista
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Articles 1–6