Martin Kleinsteuber
Martin Kleinsteuber
CIO & Lead Data Scientist, Mercateo AG, Munich
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Cited by
Analysis operator learning and its application to image reconstruction
S Hawe, M Kleinsteuber, K Diepold
IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 22 (6), 2138-2150, 2013
Joint matrices decompositions and blind source separation: A survey of methods, identification, and applications
G Chabriel, M Kleinsteuber, E Moreau, H Shen, P Tichavsky, A Yeredor
IEEE Signal Processing Magazine 31 (3), 34-43, 2014
Separable dictionary learning
S Hawe, M Seibert, M Kleinsteuber
Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern …, 2013
Dense disparity maps from sparse disparity measurements
S Hawe, M Kleinsteuber, K Diepold
2011 International Conference on Computer Vision, 2126-2133, 2011
A joint intensity and depth co-sparse analysis model for depth map super-resolution
M Kiechle, S Hawe, M Kleinsteuber
Proceedings of the IEEE international conference on computer vision, 1545-1552, 2013
Cash flow prediction: MLP and LSTM compared to ARIMA and Prophet
H Weytjens, E Lohmann, M Kleinsteuber
Electronic Commerce Research 21 (2), 371-391, 2021
Compositional learning of image-text query for image retrieval
MU Anwaar, E Labintcev, M Kleinsteuber
Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Winter conference on Applications of Computer …, 2021
Sample complexity of dictionary learning and other matrix factorizations
R Gribonval, R Jenatton, F Bach, M Kleinsteuber, M Seibert
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 61 (6), 3469-3486, 2015
pROST: a smoothed -norm robust online subspace tracking method for background subtraction in video
F Seidel, C Hage, M Kleinsteuber
Machine vision and applications 25 (5), 1227-1240, 2014
Network volume anomaly detection and identification in large-scale networks based on online time-structured traffic tensor tracking
H Kasai, W Kellerer, M Kleinsteuber
IEEE transactions on network and service management 13 (3), 636-650, 2016
Combining knowledge modeling and machine learning for alarm root cause analysis
L Abele, M Anic, T Gutmann, J Folmer, M Kleinsteuber, B Vogel-Heuser
IFAC Proceedings Volumes 46 (9), 1843-1848, 2013
Improving non-profiled attacks on exponentiations based on clustering and extracting leakage from multi-channel high-resolution EM measurements
R Specht, J Heyszl, M Kleinsteuber, G Sigl
International Workshop on Constructive Side-Channel Analysis and Secure …, 2015
Blind source separation with compressively sensed linear mixtures
M Kleinsteuber, H Shen
IEEE signal processing letters 19 (2), 107-110, 2011
Local convergence analysis of FastICA and related algorithms
H Shen, M Kleinsteuber, K Huper
IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks 19 (6), 1022-1032, 2008
Reconstructible nonlinear dimensionality reduction via joint dictionary learning
X Wei, H Shen, Y Li, X Tang, F Wang, M Kleinsteuber, YL Murphey
IEEE transactions on neural networks and learning systems 30 (1), 175-189, 2018
Robust PCA and subspace tracking from incomplete observations using -surrogates
C Hage, M Kleinsteuber
Computational Statistics 29 (3), 467-487, 2014
Glyphboard: Visual exploration of high-dimensional data combining glyphs with dimensionality reduction
D Kammer, M Keck, T Gründer, A Maasch, T Thom, M Kleinsteuber, ...
IEEE transactions on visualization and computer graphics 26 (4), 1661-1671, 2020
Rolling stiefel manifolds
K Hüper, M Kleinsteuber, F Silva Leite
International Journal of Systems Science 39 (9), 881-887, 2008
Model-based learning of local image features for unsupervised texture segmentation
M Kiechle, M Storath, A Weinmann, M Kleinsteuber
IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 27 (4), 1994-2007, 2018
A rgb/nir data set for evaluating dehazing algorithms
J Lüthen, J Wörmann, M Kleinsteuber, J Steurer
Electronic Imaging 29, 79-87, 2017
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Articles 1–20