Srinivasan Raghunathan
Srinivasan Raghunathan
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The effect of internet security breach announcements on market value: Capital market reactions for breached firms and internet security developers
H Cavusoglu, B Mishra, S Raghunathan
International Journal of Electronic Commerce 9 (1), 70-104, 2004
A model for evaluating IT security investments
H Cavusoglu, B Mishra, S Raghunathan
Communications of the ACM 47 (7), 87-92, 2004
Information sharing in a supply chain: A note on its value when demand is nonstationary
S Raghunathan
Management science 47 (4), 605-610, 2001
Online product reviews: Implications for retailers and competing manufacturers
Y Kwark, J Chen, S Raghunathan
Information systems research 25 (1), 93-110, 2014
Retailer-vs. vendor-managed inventory and brand competition
BK Mishra, S Raghunathan
Management Science 50 (4), 445-457, 2004
The value of intrusion detection systems in information technology security architecture
H Cavusoglu, B Mishra, S Raghunathan
Information Systems Research 16 (1), 28-46, 2005
Impact of information quality and decision-maker quality on decision quality: a theoretical model and simulation analysis
S Raghunathan
Decision support systems 26 (4), 275-286, 1999
Platform or wholesale? A strategic tool for online retailers to benefit from third-party information
Y Kwark, J Chen, S Raghunathan
Mis Quarterly 41 (3), 763-A17, 2017
Decision-theoretic and game-theoretic approaches to IT security investment
H Cavusoglu, S Raghunathan, WT Yue
Journal of Management Information Systems 25 (2), 281-304, 2008
Interorganizational collaborative forecasting and replenishment systems and supply chain implications
S Raghunathan
Decision Sciences 30 (4), 1053-1071, 1999
Impact of demand correlation on the value of and incentives for information sharing in a supply chain
S Raghunathan
European Journal of Operational Research 146 (3), 634-649, 2003
Cyber insurance and IT security investment: Impact of interdependent risk
H Ogut, N Menon, S Raghunathan
Proceedings of WEIS 5, 2005
Demand forecast sharing in supply chains
BK Mishra, S Raghunathan, X Yue
Production and Operations Management 18 (2), 152-166, 2009
Economics of ITSecurity management: four improvements to current security practices
H Cavusoglu, H Cavusoglu, S Raghunathan
Communications of the Association for Information Systems 14 (1), 3, 2004
The value of information sharing in a multi-product, multi-level supply chain: Impact of product substitution, demand correlation, and partial information sharing
M Ganesh, S Raghunathan, C Rajendran
Decision Support Systems 58, 79-94, 2014
Beyond EDI: Impact of continuous replenishment program (CRP) between a manufacturer and its retailers
S Raghunathan, AB Yeh
Information Systems Research 12 (4), 406-419, 2001
Information sharing in supply chains: Incentives for information distortion
BK Mishra, S Raghunathan, X Yue
IIE Transactions 39 (9), 863-877, 2007
The impacts of the full returns policy on a supply chain with information asymmetry
X Yue, S Raghunathan
European Journal of Operational Research 180 (2), 630-647, 2007
Configuration of and interaction between information security technologies: The case of firewalls and intrusion detection systems
H Cavusoglu, S Raghunathan, H Cavusoglu
Information Systems Research 20 (2), 198-217, 2009
Cyber security risk management: Public policy implications of correlated risk, imperfect ability to prove loss, and observability of self‐protection
H Öğüt, S Raghunathan, N Menon
Risk Analysis: An International Journal 31 (3), 497-512, 2011
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