Chutima Boonthum-Denecke
Chutima Boonthum-Denecke
Professor of Computer Science, Hampton University
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Cited by
iSTART: Interactive strategy training for active reading and thinking
DS McNamara, IB Levinstein, C Boonthum
Behavior Research Methods, Instruments, & Computers 36 (2), 222-233, 2004
iSTART: A web-based tutor that teaches self-explanation and metacognitive reading strategies
DS McNamara, T O’Reilly, M Rowe, C Boonthum, IB Levinstein
Reading comprehension strategies: Theories, interventions, and technologies …, 2007
Evaluating self-explanations in iSTART: Comparing word-based and LSA algorithms
TK Landauer, DS McNamara, S Dennis, W Kintsch
Handbook of latent semantic analysis, 239-254, 2007
Assessing comprehension during reading with the Reading Strategy Assessment Tool (RSAT)
JP Magliano, KK Millis, RSAT Development Team, I Levinstein, ...
Metacognition and learning 6, 131-154, 2011
iSTART-ME: Situating extended learning within a game-based environment
GT Jackson, C Boonthum, DS McNAMARA
Proceedings of the workshop on intelligent educational games at the 14th …, 2009
Applied natural language processing: Identification, investigation, and resolution
PM McCarthy, C Boonthum-Denecke
(No Title), 2012
Assessing the format of the presentation of text in developing a Reading Strategy Assessment Tool (R-SAT)
S Gilliam, JP Magliano, KK Millis, I Levinstein, C Boonthum
Behavior research methods 39 (2), 199-204, 2007
The efficacy of iSTART extended practice: Low ability students catch up
GT Jackson, C Boonthum, DS McNamara
Intelligent Tutoring Systems: 10th International Conference, ITS 2010 …, 2010
iSTART 2: Improvements for efficiency and effectiveness
IB Levinstein, C Boonthum, SP Pillarisetti, C Bell, DS McNamara
Behavior Research Methods 39, 224-232, 2007
iSTART: Paraphrase recognition
C Boonthum
Proceedings of the ACL Student Research Workshop, 31-36, 2004
Examining the privacy of login credentials using web-based single sign-on-are we giving up security and privacy for convenience?
C Scott, D Wynne, C Boonthum-Denecke
2016 Cybersecurity Symposium (CYBERSEC), 74-79, 2016
Evaluating self-explanations in iSTART: Word matching, latent semantic analysis, and topic models
C Boonthum, IB Levinstein, DS McNamara
Natural language processing and text mining, 91-106, 2007
Using LSA and word-based measures to assess self-explanations in iSTART
DS McNamara, C Boonthum, IB Levinstein, K Millis
LSA: A road to meaning. Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum, 2007
The impact of individual differences on learning with an educational game and a traditional ITS
GT Jackson, LK Varner, C Boonthum-Denecke, DS McNamara
International Journal of Learning Technology 25 8 (4), 315-336, 2013
Interactive paraphrase training: The development and testing of an iSTART module
DS McNAMARA, C Boonthum, CA Kurby, J Magliano, S Pillarisetti, ...
Artificial intelligence in education, 181-188, 2009
Natural language processing and game-based practice in iSTART
T Jackson, C Boonthum-Denecke, D McNamara
Journal of Interactive Learning Research 26 (2), 189-208, 2015
Robot localization using overhead camera and leds
E Johnson, E Olson, C Boonthum-Denecke
Twenty-Fifth International FLAIRS Conference, 2012
Handbook of Latent Semantic Analysis
DS McNamara, C Boonthum, IB Levinstein, K Millis
Erlbaum, Mahwah, NJ. chapter Evaluating self-explanations in iSTART …, 2007
Preposition senses: Generalized disambiguation model
C Boonthum, S Toida, I Levinstein
Computational Linguistics and Intelligent Text Processing: 7th International …, 2006
Sense disambiguation for preposition ‘with’
C Boonthum, S Toida, I Levinstein
Proceedings of the Second ACL-SIGSEM Workshop on the Linguistic Dimensions …, 2005
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Articles 1–20