Nancy Small
Cited by
Cited by
(Re)Kindle: On the Value of Storytelling for Technical Communication
N Small
Journal of Technical Writing and Communication 47 (2), 234-253, 2017
Western higher education in Asia and the Middle East: Politics, economics, and pedagogy
B Alexander, A Arshad-Ayaz, F Badry, T Botz-Bornstein, J Curry, B Ghiat, ...
Lexington Books, 2016
From Commemoration to Co-Memoration as Feminist Practice
N Small
Peitho: Journal of the Coalition of Feminist Scholars in the History of …, 2020
A Rhetoric of Becoming: USAmerican Women in Qatar
N Small
Deconstructing global citizenship: Political, cultural, and ethical perspectives
A Bashir, A Innes, HB Jehangir, T Kane, B Koch, C Lamont, K Mir, ...
Lexington Books, 2015
Localize, adapt, reflect: A review of recent research in transnational and intercultural TPC
N Small
Assembling critical components, 269-295, 2022
Rhetorical Grounding and an Agile Attitude: Complex Systems, Multi-Genre Testing, and Service Learning in UX.
L Cunningham, R Kirkscey, A Reynolds-Dyk, N Small, C Tran, V Tucker
Journal of Usability Studies 10 (4), 2015
Transnational Research in Technical Communication: Stories, Realities, and Reflections
N Small, B Longo
State University of New York Press, 2022
User-centered engineering ethics curricula
B Lail, S Dragga, J Williams, N Small, D Roof, S Lail
IEEE Technology and Society Magazine 32 (2), 59-65, 2013
Making Waves: Maxine Waters's Black Feminist and Womanist rebuke of supremacist hegemony
TO Patton, N Small
The Routledge Handbook of Gender and Communication, 243-258, 2020
Reading for the Weaver: Amplifying Agency through a Material Rhetoric Methodology
N Small, R Bhat
Kairos: A Journal of Rhetoric, Technology, and Pedagogy 27 (1), 2022
"I hate FB, but I can't quit looking at it": Identity Management, Agency, and Tensions in Social Networking
N Small
Proteus: A Journal of Ideas 31 (1), 21-31, 2017
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Articles 1–12